LUSA 03/14/2025

Lusa - Business News - Portugal: New notice of startup/tech products programme, for €30,000 apiece

Lisbon, March 13, 2025 - Portugal's Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI) and Startup Portugal on Thursday announced the launch of a new notice for the government's Startups - New digital/technological products programme, which supports projects to the tune of €30,000 per beneficiary.

In a statement, the entities said that this voucher programme is aimed at expanding opportunities for access to funding.

"With a total allocation of 30 million euros, this third edition of the competition broadens the eligibility criteria and allows a wider range of startups to benefit from these incentives," reads the statement.

In it, IAPMEI and Startup Portugal highlight "the importance of this initiative in the context of economic recovery and encouraging entrepreneurship," adding that "the main novelty of this phase is the elimination of the mandatory criterion related to the green component, making the programme more comprehensive." 

In this way, they argue, "more startups can apply, significantly increasing funding opportunities for different innovation profiles and there will be priority funding - not an exclusion criterion - for projects with innovation solutions aimed at the agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry sectors (agrotech), with an allocation of three million euros, or with positive contributions to the climate transition, with an allocation of four million euros. These amounts will be allocated to the general budget if no projects are submitted in these areas."

The programme aims to "foster the development of new technological products and services, promoting innovation and the competitiveness of Portuguese startups." 

Applications "will be assessed on the basis of the viability and impact of the projects submitted, ensuring that the funds are directed towards initiatives with growth potential" and all projects must be implemented by the deadline of 31 December 2025.

The start-up vouchers are projects co-financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) - the national plan for spending European Union post-pandemic recovery funding - with information available at and


