LUSA 07/10/2024

Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: 70% of supermarket products now labelled in Portuguese

Maputo, July 9, 2024 (Lusa) - At least 70% of the products in supermarkets in Mozambique have a label in Portuguese, due to the ban on importing and selling goods without information in the official language, said the National Institute for Standardisation and Quality (Innoq).

"We are working with the big importers who are sending the labels to Innoq for correction and we are making progress," said the director-general of this organisation, Geraldo Albasini, in statements to Mozambican daily Notícias.

Albasini pointed out that three years ago, only half of the products sold in Mozambican supermarkets had information in Portuguese, leaving consumers unaware of the specifics of the goods they were buying.

"There are situations in which people need to consume a certain product because of the ingredients listed, the percentages and the nutritional information and they need to have this information in their official language," he explained.

The obligation to include the Portuguese language on product packaging was defined by decree in 2006, but only recently has it been enforced by the authorities through inspections.

