EFE 02/22/2024

Vinicius, from Real Madrid, receives EFE Trophy for best Ibero-American player of 2023

Vinicius, from Real Madrid, receives EFE Trophy for best Ibero-American player of 2023

Brazilian Vinicius Junior received this Thursday, from the president of the Spanish News Agency EFE, Miguel Angel Oliver, and in the presence of Florentino Perez, president of Real Madrid, the XXXIV EFE Trophy that credits him as the best Ibero-American player of the year 2023.

'Vini', who obtains this recognition for the second consecutive year, received the trophy that credits him in the trophy room of the Real Madrid Sports City in the Valdebebas neighbourhood of Madrid.

Vinicius is the ninth Real Madrid footballer to be awarded the EFE Trophy for the best Ibero-American player, at the same time that the white team itself, in the hands of its president, Florentino Perez, collected the trophy that recognized it as the best Ibero-American club of 2017 after then adding five titles in its soccer section -League, Champions League, Spanish Super Cup, European Super Cup and Club World Cup- and another in basketball -Copa del Rey-.

This award has been won by six other Brazilian players: Romario, Ronaldo Nazario, Roberto Carlos, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho and Casemiro.

Vinicius Junior was consecrated in 2023 as one of the world's leading players. He scored 23 goals and 21 assists in the 55 games he played for Real Madrid.

Of these, his importance in key moments and competitions stands out.

In the Champions League, he scored seven goals and five assists; scoring or assisting in ten of the 12 matches he played.

He only missed one goal in the 33 minutes he played in the group stage against Shakhtar Donestk and in the second leg of the semifinals against Manchester City. In the Copa del Rey, which Real Madrid won, he was decisive. Three goals and four assists in five games. He only failed to contribute in the first leg of the semifinals against Barca (0-1); but in the second leg, 0-4, he scored a goal and distributed two assists. Vinicius also stands out for the way he plays soccer. Bold, cheerful and with a sense of abandon. In 2023, taking into account the five major leagues and the Champions League, he was the player who attempted the most dribbles per 90 minutes (13.88). In total, 240 successful dribbles in the season, the most in the elite. Vinicius has worn the Real Madrid shirt in 248 games.

Among the recipients of the prize are:

2009-10 Lionel Messi (Argentina, Barcelona). 2010-11 Lionel Messi (Argentina, Barcelona). 2011-12 Lionel Messi (Argentina, Barcelona). 2012-13 Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal, Real Madrid). 2013-14 Diego Costa (Brasil-Espana, Atletico de Madrid). 2014-15 Luis Suarez (Uruguay, Barcelona). 2015-16 Keylor Navas (Costa Rica, Real Madrid). 2016-17 Real Madrid. 2017-18 Edinson Cavani (Uruguay, Paris Saint-Germain). 2019-20 Carlos Henrique Casemiro (Brasil, Real Madrid). 2020-21 Luis Suarez (Uruguay, Atletico de Madrid). 2021-22 Vincius Junior (Brasil, Real Madrid). 2022-23 Vinicius Junior (Brasil, Real Madrid).

LINK: https://agenciaefe.es/vinicius-recibe-el-trofeo-efe-a-mejor-jugador-iberoamericano-del-2023/

The president of the Spanish News Agency EFE interviews the president of Guatemala, Bernardo Arevalo.

The president of the EFE Agency, Miguel Angel Oliver, has interviewed the president of Guatemala, Bernardo Arevalo, in a meeting in which the Latin American leader acknowledged that since he took office, just a month and a half ago, every time they open 'the drawers' in a ministry 'corruption cases jump out at us', and added that returning transparency to the institutions will entail a 'gradual and progressive' process. During the interview, which took place in Casa de America (in downtown Madrid) and the first carried out by Oliver in EFE since he is president of the company, Arevalo pointed out that his government fights the gang phenomenon 'within the framework of full respect for human rights' and bet on maintaining dialogue at a technical level between the countries of Central America to facilitate regional integration in the economic and people's sphere, while waiting for the process to be transferred to the political field, and expressed his support for maintaining dialogue at a technical level between the countries of Central America to facilitate regional integration in the economic and peoples' sphere, while waiting for the process to be transferred to the political field.

Arevalo endeed in Madrid his first European tour since he came to power last January, with a visit to Spain during which he met with King Felipe VI and the head of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, as well as with Spanish businessmen.

'When corruption enters a country in a systematic way, it reaches all institutions and corrodes them, but it should not be mistaken to think that all state officials are equally corrupt, many come to give information because they feel liberated,' said Arevalo during his participation in what is called the EFE Tribune, conducted by Oliver.

The president gave as an example of the current situation in Guatemala the dismissal of the head of the Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics, Francis Argueta, in which 'we had a combination of incompetence and corruption'.

'Not only was there a total abandonment of the function of effective administration of the country's air and airport security, but there were also mechanisms that allowed

the operation with impunity of certain networks and mechanisms through which it was allowed that there were no entries and exits monitored,' he said. On how his foreign policy will be in relation to Nicaragua, the president said that it is necessary to 'develop strategies to keep alive and active that objective of regional integration that we have maintained and with which we have operated for some time'.

'At this moment, the conditions in the region do not allow a political dialogue to take place, because there are problems even in terms of the extent to which some of the countries comply or do not comply with the very conditions that were established in the Tegucigalpa Protocol', he added without mentioning a specific country.

The 1991 Tegucigalpa Protocol was signed by the Central American countries to form the Central American Integration System (SICA). It is a legal instrument to facilitate regional integration in a harmonious and balanced manner based on the principles of freedom, democracy and human rights.

On the other hand, when asked about the situation in Venezuela, a country that plans to hold elections this year without having clarified whether the opposition will be able to participate, the president of Guatemala said: 'more than referring to the specific case of Venezuela, we understand as a fundamental principle valid for the whole world the need to have public institutions that defend the rights and freedoms of all people'.

He also recalled his father Juan Jose Arevalo, the first democratically elected governor of the Central American country.

'In the figure of my father there is inspiration and commitment,' he said, in addition to noting that he was a 'statesman with a deep commitment to the principles of democracy and social justice.'


Finally, the president attributed the consolidation of his mandate, despite the impediments, to a mix of support from the international community and the Guatemalan society 'whose determination was key to free itself from the suffocating embrace of corruption'.

Spain's support, which he described as 'fundamental', was reflected in the meeting he held with businessmen in Madrid and with King Felipe VI and Sanchez. 'The State is going to be making very significant infrastructure investments for development in the most needy areas of the country (which correspond mainly to those where the native peoples live). We need to make large investments, and these are opportunities where we can count on national and international private capital. Spain can have the legal certainty to work together', he concluded.

LINK. https://agenciaefe.es/el-presidente-de-la-agencia-efe-entrevista-al-presidente-de-guatemala-bernardo-arevalo/ 

King of Spain Journalism Awards, created by EFE in 1983,
recognize commitment to social issues

The King of Spain International Awards for Journalism have recognized, in its 41st edition, works committed to society that help to raise awareness about problems such as child abuse or the climate crisis.

The awards, the most prestigious in the Ibero-American field, have gone to investigative, daring and participatory journalism that, with innovative formats, gives a voice to the victims of these problems.

These annual awards, created in 1983 by the Spanish News Agency EFE and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Aecid), promote the best journalism in Spanish and Portuguese that shows the reality of the Ibero-American community.

Narrative Journalism
The report 'El gran padrino', prepared by a team of investigative journalists from the Ecuadorian newspaper La Posta, has won in Narrative Journalism for 'the great impact it had on the political life of Ecuador', as it contributed to the political trial against former president Guillermo Lasso.

The jury, made up of renowned journalists from different countries, highlighted 'the difficulty of denouncing corruption in Latin America', together with 'the originality' of the work, the 'risk journalism' and the 'enormous investigative effort'.

A team of nine journalists from La Posta, led by Venezuelan Andersson Boscan, followed the case for seven months to compile in a multimedia website the work of these young professionals, who, despite receiving threats, did not stop until they discovered the truth.

Ukraine, chronicle in images of a year of war', by the Spaniard Diego Herrera Carcedo, was the winner in Photography for 'perfectly reflecting the death and precariousness' of the conflict unleashed by the Russian invasion.The work, published in Revista 5W, is 'a call to not forget the war', according to the jury.

A work 'in times of war', which contributes to 'raise awareness of a conflict that affects us all', he stressed.

Ibero-American Media
Mutante, from Colombia, won the Ibero-American Media Award for developing 'a new type of journalism that goes beyond the mere publication of investigations' and in which 'interaction with the public' stands out.

The jury recognized its work as the first digital movement of citizen conversation in Latin America.'We were born as an independent alternative to confront polarization, fake news, click tyrannies and 'public agendas' fabricated by private interests,'

defines the media, which believes 'in participatory journalism as a tool for social change.'

The Spanish podcast 'El puzle Voynich', created by Toni Martinez at Cadena SER radio station, has won the Cultural Award for being 'an interesting encyclopedic work' and 'a cultural object in itself'.

'El puzle Voynich' combines journalistic and fictional techniques to narrate, from 40 interviews in five countries, the departure of the Invincible Armada and the entry into the cabinet of wonders of Rudolph II of Prague, among other events. 'It's a very good work that has the tone of a radio serial,' added the jury on the use of radio theater tools that help keep the listener's interest.

The podcast uses the supposed search for a medieval book as a narrative thread, with a mix of genres to create mystery and a very elaborate sound design.

Environmental Journalism
The documentary 'Pampa seca', from the Argentine newspaper La Nacion, won the prize in Environmental Journalism for a work on drought, with a very close narration to reflect a common problem in the world.Text, photo and video about a historic three-year drought in Argentina, with heat waves and extreme temperatures, which caused a 50 percent drop in agricultural production in the country, where the countryside generates the main income.Pampa seca: the faces and stories behind the worst drought in history' includes testimonies, comparative photographs, data and videos.

International Cooperation and Humanitarian Action
The Mexican work 'Depredadores en las aulas', published in El Universal in alliance with Connectas, has won the prize in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Action for describing the 'terrifying reality' of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual crimes committed by school personnel.

'Very well documented, it makes it clear that the problem is in the inner circle', in the opinion of the jury, because 'to think that there are places where you take your children to class' that 'is like taking them to torture and rape breaks the soul'.

This work by Alejandra Mabel Crail Perez and Daniela Guazo Manzo denounces 'the lack of interest, opacity and institutional neglect towards students assaulted by school personnel'.

In addition to the 10,000 euro prize, which places them on an equal basis with the Pulitzer Prize, the winners will receive a sculpture by the artist Joaquin Vaquero Turcios from the hands of the King of Spain, Felipe VI.

LINK: https://agenciaefe.es/los-premios-rey-de-espana-de-periodismo-reconocen-el-compromiso-con-los-problemas-sociales/ 

Remembering the images of 11M, an obligation to the victims

To remember, to remember as an obligation to the victims, to be with them and their pain, and to thank all those who turned out to help and show their solidarity on Thursday, March 11, 2004, when the Madrid train bombings took place. That is the aim of the exhibition '20 years of 11M. Memory of pain and solidarity', organized by the Foundation and the Memorial Center for Victims of Terrorism with 67 photographs of the EFE Agency, which opened on the Armeria Square in Madrid, next to the Royal Palace.

Remembering because 'we cannot forget', said the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who presided over the event held in the Royal Collections Gallery and in which he insisted on combating the mechanism of protection of our memory that erases painful memories.

The photographs, selected by EFE journalists Laura Camacho and Sagrario Ortega from among the more than 25,000 that the agency's collection of documents related to the 11th of march bombings preserves, are, according to Marlaska, 'a valuable support to fill the holes in our memory'.

Marlaska thanked the affection with which Camacho and Ortega have made the selection of the exhibition and 'the clean look' with which the two journalists of the EFE Agency have undertaken this exercise of memory that he has described as an obligation for public authorities and for citizens in general.

To remember the images of the rickety trains in order not to forget the magnitude of the barbarism; to remember the faces and feel the pain with them, to ask why again.

And the victims are the center and the protagonists of this exhibition, because they are 'the symbol of our democracy,' as Juan Francisco Benito, the new president of the Federation of Victims of Terrorism (FVT) and, above all, father of Rodolfo, murdered that Thursday 20 years ago, said in his speech. 'Remembering is a duty,' he insisted.

To remember also hundreds of people filling up in a few hours the blood donation stations; to remember the firefighters, policemen, health personnel, psychologists, cab drivers, bus drivers or those who held the hand of some of the most seriously injured and accompanied them in the stations in their last moments of life.

Madrid gave a lesson in solidarity but, as Sagrario Ortega recalled, '11M did not stay in Madrid'.

The affection came from all over Spain and from other countries in the form of demonstrations, messages, candles lit in the streets, or in more concrete ways, such

as the photo of the helicopter about to land with blood donated in Santiago de Compostela (northeast of Spain).

The exhibition also recalls the police investigation, the trial, the congressional commission, jihadist terrorism... the eight blocks into which the exhibition is divided contextualize the attacks in all these aspects.

As a closure, the exhibition includes an In Memoriam with the names of the 193 murdered for whom it was conceived. A tribute,' said Laura Camacho, 'to the victims and to those three words that they always repeat and that today we make our own: 'Memory, Dignity and Justice''.

This exhibition is one of the first events that Madrid will host to commemorate the 11M attacks and the European Day in Memory of the Victims of Terrorism; it can be seen until March 21 in the Plaza de la Armeria and between March 8 and 31 in the Maruja Mallo hall; then it will travel to Vitoria.

LINK: https://agenciaefe.es/recordar-las-imagenes-del-11m-una-obligacion-con-las-victimas/