LUSA 01/10/2025

Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Public prosecutors open investigation into accident on River Tagus

Almada, Portugal, Jan. 9. 2025 (Lusa) - The Public Prosecution Service in Portugal has opened an investigation into Monday's accident on the River Tagus involving a fishing boat and a passenger catamaran, which resulted in two people being injured and two missing.

"It is confirmed that an enquiry has been opened, which is being led by the Almada Public Prosecution Service," said the office of Portugal's attorney general in a response to the Lusa news agency.

The fishing boat collided with a catamaran travelling between Barreiro and Lisbon, leaving two people injured and two others missing who have yet to be found.

The two people who were injured - one seriously and the other lightly - were taken to the Garcia de Orta Hospital in Almada, on the south bank of the river in the Setúbal district, for treatment. One of whom has since been discharged.

On Tuesday, the harbour master of the Port of Lisbon, Paulo Rodrigues Vicente, said that a formal inquiry was underway, with the collection of evidence and police enquiries, and with liaison with the Public Prosecution Service.

Transtejo/Soflusa also announced, in a response sent to the Lusa news agency, the "immediate setting up of an internal inquiry" to determine the circumstances and responsibilities of the accident.

The company explained that at 4.55 p.m. on Monday, the catamaran Antero Quental, which was travelling between Barreiro and Lisbon, was rammed by a fishing boat. The ship's master tried to avoid the collision, namely with several audible warnings, which were ignored by the fishing boat.

Transtejo Soflusa is the company responsible for passenger transport links between Seixal, Montijo, Cacilhas, Barreiro and Trafaria/Porto Brandão, in the district of Setúbal, and Lisbon.


