LUSA 07/23/2024

Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Foreign minister 'respects' Joe Biden's legacy, decision

Brussels, July 22, 2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's foreign minister said on Monday that ‘a word of respect’ is due to the president of the United States for his legacy of strengthening 'transatlantic cooperation' and for his decision to drop out of the election race.

‘[Joe Biden's withdrawal] was not a subject that was dealt with at all [during the ministerial meeting], but it was commented on. It's not that it's not a topical issue. Joe Biden has been a president who has greatly strengthened transatlantic cooperation,’ said Paulo Rangel in Brussels.

The foreign minister added that ‘a word of respect is due for the decision and its legacy’: ‘For a transatlantic country like Portugal, it's a very important legacy.’

As for the possible choice of Kamala Harris, the current US vice-president, to replace Joe Biden in the presidential elections, Paulo Rangel declined to comment on issues of US domestic politics, ‘let alone a party’.

