ATA 03/21/2025

ATA - National Museum of Medieval Art, unique even beyond Albania’s borders

TIRANA, March 20/ATA/ The National Museum of Medieval Art is a great place of our cultural heritage, unique for its funds even beyond the borders of Albania. The funds of this museum consist of a large number of metal objects, some of which are put on display.

Mayor of Korça Sotiraq Filo published in the social media some of the objects of the museum, mainly objects of a religious nature. Their decoration with numerous details makes them even more special and valuable.

In the museum, there are many liturgical objects such as chalices, reliquary boxes, elements of religious ceremonial clothing, etc. The works, mainly handicrafts, also include weapons or objects of daily life.

Mayor Filo appreciated these museum objects as evidence of a high artistic level that Albanian masters achieved over the centuries. /r.e/ /a.f/p.s./