LUSA 02/04/2025

Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Fruit, Veg producers optimistic about exports to Germany

Berlin, Feb. 3, 2025 (Lusa) - The economic and political instability that Germany is going through doesn't scare Portuguese fruit and vegetable producers, who will be taking part from Wednesday in the Fruit Logistica fair in Berlin, one of the biggest in the sector.

Portugal Fresh, the association for the promotion of Portugal's fruit, vegetable and flower sectors, which has been taking part in the fair since 2011, is bringing 24 companies and organisations to the German capital, in a space of around 300 square metres.

"Attendance has been stable, but with a greater offer in terms of quantity. We've grown, the companies that attend have grown in size and increased their exports and this also reflects the growth of the sector," said the president, Gonçalo Santos Andrade.

"The sector has had a very interesting evolution. We think there's potential for Portugal to continue to grow in fruit and vegetable production, but we also need some concrete measures such as increasing water reserves (...), we need a strategy and management of water reserves, and that's the big challenge we continue to have. In terms of national exports, we've been on an interesting path, and we've more than tripled the value over the last 14 years," he emphasised, speaking to Lusa.

Germany continues to be the fourth-largest destination for Portuguese exports, a figure that has been rising despite the country's economic instability.

In 2023, exports in this sector reached a new record of €2.3 billion, an increase of 11.4% compared to 2022. Gonçalo Santos Andrade believes this barrier will be surpassed again, surpassing €2.5 billion in 2024.

"We remain optimistic because although the European Union has seen a slight decrease in fruit and vegetable production, which worries us, Portugal has managed to increase both in quantity and value," he emphasised.

This has been helped by the growth in production by Portuguese farmers, with more kilograms and greater investment, focusing on precision agriculture.

At Fruit Logistica, which starts on 5 February and ends on 7 February, Portuguese entrepreneurs will focus on the "diversity of products" that allows for an "interesting dynamic of colours and flavours that is very characteristic of our country."

"We have the opportunity, on the one hand, to consolidate clients with whom we already work and reinforce this work and strengthen our presence where we are not yet very strong. Our main markets are Spain, France and the Netherlands, and Germany is our fourth market (...), but we have several European countries that can add value to our products," explained the president of Portugal Fresh.

"Fruit Logistica is a huge global business centre that saves us a lot of travelling. Not only does it raise awareness and promote fruit and vegetables (...), but it also allows us to be present in a real-world business centre that allows us to contact customers from all over the world," he added.

The instability of the German economy raises "some concern", but Gonçalo Santos Andrade believes it will be overcome.

"Consumers will continue to bet on these balanced, healthy diets based on the Mediterranean diet. There is always a strong focus on the demand for products produced in the European Union," he emphasised, adding that the major concern is the increase in imports from third countries.

"There is an increase in these imports, which are less safe and less controlled products. We have no doubt that the products produced in the European Union are the most controlled, of the highest quality, with food safety. And European consumers will increasingly favour this," he stressed.

Fruit Logistica will feature 3,000 exhibitors representing more than 90 countries, including producers, exporters, and distributors. The fair expects more than 75,000 visitors from around the world.

