LUSA 10/11/2024

Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Presidency, constitutional court to get larger budget allocations

Lisbon, Oct. 10, 2024 (Lusa) - The budget allocations for the Presidency of the Republic and the Constitutional Court in the 2025 budget are up by 6.5% and 2.7% respectively compared to 2024, while the Parliament has a larger increase of 49%.

The amounts of allocations for these sovereign bodies can be found in the 2025 budget bill that the government submitted to parliament today.

According to the amounts, relating to the "organic classification of expenditure in the Central Administration subsector", the Presidency of the Republic will have an allocation of €18.96 million next year, more than a million more than the €17.8 million budgeted for this year, which represents an increase of 6.5%.

As for the Parliament, the budget for 2025 is approximately €176.99 million, an increase of more than €58 million and almost half the amount budgeted for 2024, which was €118.7 million.

The Constitutional Court will have a budget allocation of €10.27 million in 2025, €273.700 more than the 2024 allocation of exactly €10 million - an increase of around 2.7%.

As in the previous three budgets, this expenditure map has two lines, each with different amounts, for each entity, the second of which, labelled "transfer organisations", corresponds to the funds transferred from the State Budget.

When Map 4 changed to two lines in the 2022 State Budget, the Ministry of Finance clarified that the first line, which is larger, is the total budget of each organisation, which includes, in addition to budget appropriations, own revenue and European funding.

The proposed State Budget for 2025, which has not yet been approved, will be discussed and voted on on 30 and 31 October. The debate and final overall vote are scheduled for 28 and 29 November.

In the macroeconomic scenario on which the budget proposal is based, the PSD/CDS-PP government predicts that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will grow by 1.8% in 2024 and 2.1% in 2025 and that the inflation rate will fall to 2.6% this year and 2.3% next year.

The minority government headed by Luís Montenegro aims to achieve budget surpluses of 0.4% this year and 0.3% next year. The public debt ratio is estimated to be reduced by 95.9% of GDP in 2024 and 93.3% in 2025.

