HINA 09/19/2024

HINA - Croatia, Austria and Slovenia launch joint promotional campaign in USA

ZAGREB, 17 Sept (Hina) - Croatia, Slovenia and Austria have launched a joint co-branding campaign to promote their tourism on the U.S. market within a project called "Alps – Adriatic – Amazing".


The campaign is being implemented by the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ), the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) and the Austrian Tourist Office (ANTO).


The project aims to increase and boost the visibility of Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria in the United States and will promote these countries as year-round travel destinations, targeting high-net-worth Free Independent Travellers or Fully Independent Travellers (FITs).


The campaign is expected to unveil experiences rooted in the natural heritage of the three countries, their culture and their gastronomy.


One of the objectives is to strengthen the perception of Croatia, Slovenia and Austria as sustainable and inclusive travel destinations, encourage responsible travel, and promote lesser-known destinations.


For instance, northwestern Croatian areas including the capital city of Zagreb and the region of Zagorje as well as the northern and central Adriatic coast (Kvarner, Zadar) will be the focus of the promotion, while Austria will promote Graz and Carinthia, the southernmost and least densely populated Austrian state.


HTZ director Kristjan Staničić said on Tuesday that overseas guests are very important as they usually travel outside the peak season and visit a set of destinations.


Staničić is looking forward to cooperation with Slovenia and Austria and hopes for good results.


In the first eight months of 2024, the number of tourists from the USA visiting Croatia increased 8%, and their overnight stays rose 6%.


Promotional activities will be organised at B2B activities, which are expected to take place between September and December 2024.


The project is co-funded by the European Union under the European Commission scheme Co-branding of Promotional Campaigns. Half of the funding for the project will come from this source.