LUSA 08/07/2024

Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Ride-hailing driver arrested on suspicion of raping passenger

Lisbon, Aug. 6, 2024 (Lusa) - A driver for a ride-hailing platform has been remanded in custody on suspicion of sexually abusing a female passenger he was travelling with during a service in the Lisbon region, Portugal's criminal investigation police agency (PJ) announced on Tuesday.

In a statement, Portugal's criminal investigation police agency, PJ said that the crime took place on the night of 27-28 July and that the suspect, a 26-year-old man, took advantage of the fact that the victim had fallen asleep in the back seat of the car.

"Taking advantage of the fact that the victim had fallen asleep in the back of the car and was alone, the suspect performed sexual acts on her," the note reads.

According to the Correio da Manhã (CM) newspaper, the crime took place 600 metres from the victim's home, where she was drunk.

The investigation into the case was carried out by the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Directorate, "with scientific support from the scientific police laboratory, which collected "strong indications".

The suspect was brought before the Court of Criminal Investigation in Lisbon for his first questioning, and the most serious measure of coercion was pre-trial detention.

Also according to CM, in 2023 a total of 494 rapes were reported in the country (considering all contexts, not just TVDE-related cases), 25 fewer than in 2022.

