ANA 01/23/2021

ANA/MPA - Greece still the only EU country with 'green' zones on ECDC pandemic map

Greece continues to be the only country in the European Union with 'green' zones in the revised pandemic maps released by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) on Thursday. According to the color coding on these maps, green zones indicate a low rate of coronavirus infections. The maps are based on data reported by EU member states to the European Surveillance System (TESSy) database by midnight every Tuesday. In the latest map, which concerns the time period between January 8-21, all of Greece is marked 'green' for positivity rates, indicating this to be below 4 pct, when most of Europe is marked yellow for rates greater than or equal to 4 pct. The Epirus region and the island groups of the Ionian, the Cyclades and the Dodecanese are in the 'yellow' zone, which translates to new cases having dropped there over the last 14 days, says the report. The remainder of the country is also above the EU average and is in the 'orange zone' -in terms of new cases of infections per 100,000 inhabitants- at a time when most EU countries are in the 'red zone'.