HINA 12/31/2024

HINA - Croatia presidential polls head to runoff, as incumbent falls short of outright win

ZAGREB, 29 Dec (Hina) - The incumbent Zoran Milanović, supported by the SDP, is the relative winner of the first round of Croatia's presidential election on Sunday, with 49.11% of the votes after ballots from over 99% of the polling stations were counted, and he will face HDZ candidate Dragan Primorac in the runoff on 12 January.

According to data from the State Electoral Commission (DIP), after ballots from 99.78% of polling stations have been counted, independent candidate independent Marija Selak Raspudić received 9.25% of the votes.

Ivana Kekin, the candidate of the We Can! party garnered 8.88%.

Independent Tomislav Jonjić received 5.07%, and Miro Bulj from the Bridge party received 3.82%.

Following them is Branka Lozo, the candidate of the Home and National Rally (DOMiNO) party, who mustered 2.41%.

Independent Niko Tokić Kartelo received less than one percent of the votes, 0.88%.

Turnout 46%

According to the preliminary data from DIP, 1,620,269 voters (46.01%) participated in the election.

Zoran Milanović won 795,758 votes, and Dragan Primorac 313,813 votes. Marija Selak Raspudić mustered 149,895 votes, and Ivana Kekin 143,918.

Tomislav Jonjić garnered 82,215 votes, Miro Bulj 61,984, Branka Lozo 39,138, and the last candidate, Niko Tokić Kartelo, received 14,355 votes.

Milanović won the eighth presidential polls in all counties, while Primorac won the diaspora.