ANSA 10/25/2024

ANSA - Amerigo Vespucci returns to Asia, 25th stop in Singapore

Villaggio Italia opens Thursday,visits on board already sold out

(by correspondent Domenico Palesse) Over two thousand miles, crossing the Southern seas, like in a novel by Salgari.


From Australia to Singapore with the sea so calm that it merged with the sky.


After over two weeks of sailing from Darwin, in the far north of Australia, the Amerigo Vespucci has returned to Asia and docked in Singapore, the 25th stop of its world tour that began in July 2023 in Genoa.
    The fanfare of the Naval Academy of Livorno welcomed the training ship of the Navy, symbol of Italy in the world, which in the coming days will host tens of thousands of visitors on board.
    For the first time in its 93-year history, the sailing ship that is a symbol of Italy in the world is visiting Singapore, where it will remain until next Monday before setting sail again in the direction of Belawan, Indonesia.
    Also welcoming the elderly lady of the seas was the Italian ambassador to Singapore, Dante Brandi, who did not hide his emotion as he climbed aboard for a special visit together with the ship's captain, Giuseppe Lai.
    "It is a beautiful ship, a true standard-bearer of Italy, of its values, of its beauty, of its ability to build and innovate while maintaining the tradition of Italian culture", Brandi said.
    "The Vespucci ship - echoed Captain Lai - had never been to Singapore in its history. It is a pleasure for us to be able to be here. I know that there are great expectations in this port too, having sold out in terms of ship visitors, and we can't wait to welcome them on board".
    But the visit to Singapore, one of the most important ports in the world, also aims to further strengthen relations between the two countries.
    "It is a region, Southeast Asia, which is extremely dynamic, with a growth of 5% per year, and in which Italy is investing heavily to face the global challenges that await us. Singapore faces them with great pragmatism, with values ;;and interests that unite us, but also with the intention of exploiting technological innovations and seizing the opportunities offered by the two transitions, digital and energy", added Brandi.
    On Thursday, moreover, the Villaggio Italia will officially open, the traveling expo that accompanies the Vespucci's world tour with conferences, exhibitions, screenings and forums dedicated to Made in Italy and the promotion of the country abroad.
    On Friday afternoon, in the Italian morning, an ANSA forum will also be held with the participation, among others, of Deputy Business and Made in Italy Minister Valentino Valentini and the CEO of the agency, Stefano De Alessandri.