TUNIS/Tunisia-(TAP)-A professional symposium on the use of video at news agencies is held on June 17 and 18 in Tunis, at the initiative of the Tunis-Afrique-Presse (TAP) news agency, in co-operation the with the La Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) foundation and the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN).
Several experts, officials and journalists representing the various Mediterranean news agencies are participating in this meeting.
They stressed the importance of audiovisual content in the journalistic product of news agencies, especially in the face of media development and the proliferation of information on social networks.
TAP CEO Rachid Khechana stressed, at the opening of the meeting, the Agency's concern during the next stage to include audiovisual content in the texts and news produced.
TAP plans to create a new journalistic production unit specialising in the insertion of videos, he said.
Speaking about the Algerian experience, Mohamed Rahmouni, head of the multimedia department of the Algerian News Agency (APS), stressed the importance of investing in human resources (journalists and technicians) to guarantee an optimal quality product that respects professional standards and can compete with those of other media.
The seminar brings together participants from Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, France, Greece, Spain and Albania.