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ANSA - تامبيرى وأريجو يحملان علم إيطاليا فى أوليمبياد 2024
(أنسامد) - أبريل 22 - روما - سيحمل كل من البطل الأوليمبى فى الوثب العالى جيانماركو تامبيرى وبطلة المبارزة أريانا إريجو علم إيطاليا فى أوليمبياد باريس 2024.
وقال تامبيرى ان قرار حمله لعلم إيطاليا فى اوليمبياد باريس 2024 بمثابة حلم كبير له. ...
ATA - Vjosa River in UNESCO world assets list, Kumbaro: Application file ready within current year
TIRANA,April24/ATA/ Minister of Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro announced the start of work on inclusion of the Vjosa River in the list of world assets...
NNA - The Race Director at the association of The Beirut Marathon Association, Ehrabi Nael recorded a time of 00:44:3 hours in international marathons
NNA - The Beirut Marathon Association continues its participation in international marathons through periodic delegations. ...
ANSA - تنس:الإيطالى زيبييرى يغيب عن نهائيات مدريد
(أنسامد)-أبريل 24-روما-خسر لاعب التنس الإيطالى المصنف 141 لاتحاد لاعبى التنس المحترفين جوليو زيبييرى مباراته أمام الأرجنتينى فاكوندو باجنيس المصنف رقم 136 فى نهائيات بطولة الماسترز 1000 فى مدريد.
وهكذا لم ينجح أى إيطالى فى التاهل للبطولة إلا أنه مازال هناك خمس لاعبين إيطاليين فى القرعة الرئيسية...
ANSA - Average annual income 23,650 euros - 2023 declarations - Highest earners in Lombardy, lowest in Calabria says economy min
The average annual income of an Italian taxpayer was 23,650 euros in 2022, the economy ministry said on Wednesday in a report on the 2023...
NNA - الحكمة بيروت الى الدور النهائي من بطولة نوادي غرب آسيا في كرة السلة بعد فوزه على الشرطة العراقي 116 - 66
وطنية - حجز الحكمة بيروت مقعداً في الدور النهائي من بطولة نوادي غرب آسيا في كرة السلة "وصل"، التي ينظمها الاتحاد الآسيوي لكرة السلة بإشراف الاتحاد الدولي "فيبا".
وانتزع الحكمة بطاقة التأهل من بوابة الملحق لصاحب المركز الثالث في منطقة الغرب، بفوزه على الشرطة العراقي 116-66...
ANSA - كرة القدم: كانافارو يتولى تدريب أودينيزي حتى نهاية الموسم
(أنسامد) - أبريل 23 - روما - أعلن نادي أودينيزي المتعثر في دوري الدرجة الأولى الإيطالي لكرة القدم تعيين فابيو كانافارو مدربا للفريق حتى نهاية الموسم بعد إقالة المدرب جابرييلي تشيوفي. ...
ANSA - Consumer and business confidence worsens in April For companies indicator back to level of February
Consumer and business confidence both worsened in April,Istat said Wednesday.
The index of consumer confidence decreased from 96.5 to 95.2 and the composite indicator of business...
NNA - انطلاق مبادرة تحدي القراءة العربي من تنظيم مبادرات راشد آل مكتوم بالشراكة مع وزارة التربية
وطنية- إنطلقت اليوم التصفيات الثانية للموسم الثامن من مبادرة تحدي القراءة العربي للعام الدراسي 2023 – 2024 التي تنظمها مبادرات الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم العالمية-دبي بالشراكة مع وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي في لبنان، لتحكيم أكثر من ١٢٥٠ تلميذا تم ترشيحهم إلى هذه التصفيات...
ANSA - احتفالات الإنتربعد فوزه بالديربي وتحقيق لقبه 20 فى الدورى
(أنسامد) -أبريل 24-روما- إحتشد مشجعو إنتر لفترة طويلة للإحتفال في الليل بعد فوزهم في الديربي 2-1 يوم الاثنين على ميلان ليحققوا لقب الدوري الإيطالي العشرين والحق في ارتداء نجمة ثانية على قمصانهم-واحدة لكل 10 انتصارات في البطولة.
وقال سيموني إنزاجي مدرب إنتر "إنه شعور رائع. ...
ANSA - Italian Antitrust fines Amazon 10 million euros Case regards pre-set 'recurring purchase' option
The Italian Antitrust Authority said Wednesday that it has fined Amazon 10 million euros for unfair trade practices.
It said the case regards the fact that...
NNA - الأوركسترا الفلهارمونية أحيت 'الأسبوع اللبناني لآلة الأرغن'
وطنية - أقام الكونسرفتوار الوطني حفلا موسيقيا للأوركسترا الفلهارمونية اللبنانية بقيادة المايسترو غارو أفيسيان وعزف آرون ريباس على آلة الأرغن، بدعوة من رئيسة المعهد الوطني العالي للموسيقى المؤلفة الموسيقية هبة القواس، في كاتدرائية القديس لويس للآباء الكبوشيين– وسط بيروت وذلك ضمن "مهرجان الأرغن في لبنان،...
ANSA - بدء الجولة الأوروبية لرالى دوكاتى..تنتهى فى إيطاليا 2025
(أنسامد)-أبريل 23-روما- بدأت الجولة الأوروبية لرحلة مالتيسترادا على دراجة نارية دوكاتى والتى يبلغ طولها 60 ألف كيلومتر فى ستة دول اوروبية وتضم 30 متسابقاً والتى بدأت بداية أبريل وتستمر حتى فبراير 2025.
وسيقطع كل متسابق مسافة 2000 كيلومتر على دراجة نارية من فرنسا إلى المملكة المتحدة...
ANSA - New book hails 'Churchill's Italian Angels' 20 female antifascist patriots helped British WWII intelligence
Anew book by an expert on Britain's WWII spy service hails more than 20 Italian women who worked with the Special Operations Executive, ...
NNA - مشاركة لجمعية 'بيروت ماراتون' في سباقي بوسطن ولندن للماراتون
وطنية - تواصل جمعية 'بيروت ماراتون' المشاركة في سباقات الماراتون الدولية عبر وفود دورية.
وشارك مدير السباقات في الجمعية إعرابي نائل في سباق بوسطن لسنة 2024 وهو أقدم السباقات تاريخيا، وحملت نسخته الرقم 128، شارك فيها 35 ألف عداء وعداءة من دول العالم. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Finance minister may increase income tax deduction
Lisbon, April.24,2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's finance minister, Miranda Sarmento, acknowledged on Wednesday that he would consider updating the specific deduction in the 2025 State Budget,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Navigator to increase tissue paper prices by 8% to 10%
Lisbon, April.24,2024(Lusa) - Navigator announced on Wednesday that it would increase the prices of tissue paper (toilet paper, napkins, kitchen rolls, hand towels, among others)...
Lusa - Business News - Angola: Combatting corruption boosts investment, inclusive growth - USAID
Luanda, April 24, 2024 (Lusa) - The administrator of the US development aid agency (USAID), Samantha Power, highlighted on Wednesday Angola's efforts to combat corruption,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Mozambique airline unable to carry cargo to Lisbon for five months
Lisbon, April 24, 2024 (Lusa) - The manager responsible for restructuring Mozambican airline LAM told Lusa on Wednesday that Portuguese customs do not allow cargo...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Parliament responsible for speed of tax cuts - finance minister
Lisbon,April 24,2024(Lusa)-Portugal's finance minister said on Wednesday that the income tax relief proposed by the government depends on the speed with which parliament approves it,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: 'We will keep all election promises' - finance minister
Lisbon, April 24,2024 (Lusa) - Finance Minister Miranda Sarmento said on Wednesday that the government would not fail to fulfil any of its electoral promises,...
Lusa - Business News - Cabo Verde: President calls for greater mobility with EU - interview
Lisbon,April 24,2024(Lusa)-The president of Cabo Verde, José Maria Neves, on Wednesday called for changes to the special partnership between Cabo Verde and the European Union...
CNA - رئيسة المحكمة العليا: النساء يشكلن 56% من أعضاء المحكمة الدستورية العليا
قالت كاترينا ستاماتيو رئيسة المحكمة العليا اليوم الأربعاء، أن القاضيات يشكلن 56% من قضاة المحكمة الدستورية العليا، و50% من قضاة المناطق، و36% من قضاة محكمة الاستئناف، و43% من قضاة المحكمة العليا في قبرص. ...
Lusa - Business News - Cabo Verde: Lack of inter-island flights jeopardises national security - president
Lisbon, April.24,2024(Lusa) - The president of Cabo Verde said on Wednesday that the government's measures in the area of transport have resulted in ‘enormous inefficiency’...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Health minister accepts executive director's resignation
Lisbon, April 24, 2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's minister of health accepted on Wednesday the resignation of the executive director of the country's health service (SNS),...
CNA - الرئاسة القبرصية تتعهد بإبقاء ذكرى ضحايا الإبادة الجماعية الأرمنية حية
قالت رئاسة الجمهورية في منشور على منصة X اليوم الأربعاء بمناسبة يوم ذكرى الإبادة الجماعية الأرمنية في 24 نيسان/أبريل، بعد 109 سنوات، نحيي ذكرى ضحايا الإبادة الجماعية الأرمنية. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Left Bloc asks parties to submit income tax proposals to general vote
Lisbon, April.24,2024(Lusa) - The BE's parliamentary leader called on Wednesday for all parties to submit their proposals on personal income tax to a general vote,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Tax cuts, balanced budget priorities - finance minister
Lisbon, April.24,2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's Finance Minister Joaquim Miranda Sarmento said on Wednesday that the State Budget for 2025 will prioritise reducing the tax burden...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Volunteers serve more than 224,000 meals to Porto homeless last year
Porto, April.24,2024(Lusa)- Fifteen voluntary organisations delivered more than 224,000 meals to homeless people in Porto last year, the result of an investment of €1.17 million,...
Lusa - Business News - Cabo Verde: BestFly loses licence, abandons archipelago
Praia, April.24,2024(Lusa)- Cabo Verde's Civil Aviation Agency (AAC) announced on Wednesday that the operator of domestic flights has ‘repeatedly’ failed to fulfil its commercial plans,...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Almost 1,500 SA troops to stay in Cabo Delgado until year's end
Maputo, April.24,2024 (Lusa) - South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa has extended the 1,495-strong South African Armed Forces (SANDF) operation to combat terrorism in Cabo Delgado,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Kids go to school by bicycle train on Wednesdays - report
Matosinhos, Porto, April 24, 2024 (Lusa) - Wednesdays have become ‘different and cool’ days for pupils at the Ermida and Padre Manuel de Castro schools...
CNA - السلطات تحث السكان على تجنب الأماكن المفتوحة بسبب الغبار
أوصت إدارة تفتيش العمل السكان بتجنب التواجد في الأماكن المفتوحة بسبب ارتفاع تركيز الغبار في أجواء يوم الأربعاء، وفقاً لقياسات المحطات الأرضية التابعة لشبكة مراقبة جودة الهواء التابعة للإدارة. ...
CNA - قبرص تستضيف القمة العربية الإقليمية الأولى لمرض الثلاسيميا
ينظم الاتحاد الدولي للثلاسيميا ومنتدى الجمعيات العربية للثلاسيميا القمة العربية الإقليمية الأولى حول الثلاسيميا وأمراض الهيموجلوبين الأخرى، يوم الاثنين 29 نيسان/أبريل في نيقوسيا.
ذكر بيان صحفي أن القمة تنعقد تحت رعاية وزير الصحة ميخاليس داميانوس، وتهدف إلى تعزيز العمل الذي تقوم به السلطات الصحية المختصة في...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Ex-minister Manuel Chang victim of basic rights violation - official
Maputo, April 24,2024 (Lusa) - Mozambique's public prosecutor said on Wednesday that former minister of finance Manuel Chang, who has been extradited to the US,...
CNA - وزير الخارجية إلى المملكة العربية السعودية غداً في زيارة عمل
يجري وزير الخارجية كونستانتينوس كومبوس زيارة عمل إلى المملكة العربية السعودية يوم غد الخميس.
ذكر بيان صحفي صادر عن وزارة الخارجية، أن الوزير كومبوس سيلتقي خلال إقامته في العاصمة الرياض بنظيره السعودي الأمير فيصل بن فرحان آل سعود. ...
Lusa - Business News - Angola: Acute food insecurity affected 1.3M in 2023, expected to worsen - report
Rome,April.24,2024(Lusa)-1.3 million people in Angola, 4% of the population,faced high levels of acute food insecurity in 2023,and the situation is expected to worsen in 2024,...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Scale of food crisis worsened in 2023 - report
Rome, April.24,2024 (Lusa) - The magnitude of the food crisis ‘worsened’ in 2023 in Mozambique, where 3.3 million people in 72 of 156 districts analysed...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Stock market trading lower with EDP off 1.15%
Lisbon, April.24,2024 (Lusa) - The Lisbon stock market was trading down on Wednesday morning, with EDP shares leading the losses, down 1.15 % to €3.53....
CNA - رئيسة مجلس النواب تطالب نظرائها في الاتحاد الأوروبي بدعم التدابير لإدارة تدفقات الهجرة
أطلعت رئيسة مجلس النواب أنيتا ديميتريو نظراءها في الاتحاد الأوروبي على الوضع في الشرق الأوسط والهجرة، وذلك في سياق مؤتمر رؤساء برلمانات الاتحاد الأوروبي الذي اختتم أعماله يوم الثلاثاء في بالما دي مايوركا. وطلبت ديميتريو دعمهم فيما يتعلق بمساعدة لبنان لإدارة تدفق المهاجرين السوريين وإعادة...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: President begins four-day visit to Portugal
Maputo,April.24,2024(Lusa)- Mozambique's President Filipe Nyusi begins a four-day visit to Portugal on Wednesday, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 25 April Revolution,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Top newspaper and news magazine headlines on Wednesday, 24 April
Lisbon,April24,2024(Lusa)-The 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution is tomorrow,and many papers are looking back at how the country has changed over the past 50 years....
NNA - Information Minister inaugurates conference on media in Arab World, ups calls for dialogue

NNA - Information Minister, Melhem Riachy, inaugurated on Thursday a conference on the status of media in the Arab world today titled "Media on the Move in the Arab World Today", organized by the state-run National News Agency and the Swedish Institute Alexandria.

"The Media is the language of our age; it is the real nuclear language required to build new human beings that could fit well in our era," the Information Minister said in a speech he gave marking the occasion.

On the other hand, the Minister highlighted the paramount importance of dialogue in today's world, deeming it a courageous tool that entails the equal efforts of two sides en route to common grounds and rules.

"In the East, we lack the concepts of dialogue and the basic principles of any religion or ethnicity," Riachy added.

"The demonization of Muslims requires of us orientalists to rectify this image so as to halt misleading attempts (...) I am an eastern Christian living with Muslims; we know each other so very well and host one another in each other's homes," Riachy explained.

"I have to explain to the west how I view Muslims and to present the truth of our east through media dialogue. We have to reflect the best image of our East, which awaits a new phase of resurrection after the turmoil it had endured," Riachy added.

The Minister also pushed for "real dialogue with the west and within the east on human rights, as well as on the wealth of the region that's being looted." He also underlined the need to tackle media infiltration, and the misguidance of eastern citizens.
"We have to define our main issues that are in great need of dialogue," Riachy stressed.

Touching on Al-Quds ordeal, the Minister stepped up calls for action and dialogue with the west rather than sticking to verbal acts of solidarity.
"The media must be fully in the service of dialogue and confrontation," he asserted.

The Minister finally promised that his new Information Ministry's structure, which is based on Communication and Dialogue, would see the light soon.

Director of the NNA, Laure Sleiman, took the stand to deliver a word on the occasion whereby she said "building trust in the media through dialogue and openness is the title of the opening session, during which we will meet today within the framework of this conference to address the status of the media in the Arab world today, under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Information, Melhem Riachy."

"The concept of dialogue is, according to UNESCO's definition, aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of human groups and the dissemination of values of tolerance and justice. And if dialogue is compatible with preventive diplomacy, it inevitably pre-empts it and completes the road. It also transcends mediation and the concept of mutual concessions between parties, at the expense of values and principles. Dialogue is different from memorandums of understanding or bilateral agreements between two sides; it delves into beliefs and traditions, and seeks facts, to reach common grounds on sovereignty, freedom, independence and risks, identify enemies and friends, and draw a mat of inter-States relations," Sleiman said.

"Dialogue is the basis of any successful work, and dialogue without communication is failure par excellence," she went on to say, praising in this context the efforts exerted by Minister Riachy to promote the spirit of dialogue and communication at the political and the media levels alike, "mainly by transforming our ministry of information into one of dialogue and communication."

"The media is one of the most important pillars of dialogue for it plays a key role in crises and a pivotal role in disseminating facts."

"Media has nowadays become a modern and civilized language that cannot be ignored or disregarded. (...) It has diversified to become more responsive to the circumstances and challenges imposed on this sector. As the public opinion has the right to know the truth and follow up on the events taking place on the local, the regional and the international arenas, dealing with such events and publishing them should be done in accordance with professional and ethical rules, and humane and objective criteria that take into consideration the conditions of the society and the mood of the public opinion," the NNA Director stressed.

"Media could become a tool of destruction and strife ignition through provocation, distortion of facts, publishing false and inaccurate news, and favoring scoops over accuracy and objectivity," she said.

"Media in our Arab world has suffered and is still suffering. Will it have the right opportunities to show its capabilities and the challenges it faces? Has Arab media reached freedom through the Arab Spring, or has this media turned into chaos and soon started to turn come back? These topics and others will be put forward today, in the hope that we find effective answers and come up with practical and applicable recommendations," Sleiman concluded.

Then spoke the Director of the Swedish Institute who said "Dialogue means being ready to talk about issues that are of importance both to you and your opponent. (...) It means finding ways to face challenges together instead of dealing with them alone."

"It is a time of violent turmoil, during which the Middle East is going through the worst period of conflict since the Crusades because of the largest recorded number of refugees since World War II, and the expansion of fanatical ideologies," he said.

Tackling the challenges facing our societies today, he said "these challenges cannot be resolved by States on their own. (...) The solution lies in understanding one another. There is no alternative to co-existence and unity in diversity, and Lebanon is the ultimate example to that."

He called accordingly for "confronting extremism, sectarian violence and extremism that lead to fear, migration and Islamophobia," stressing that "the main challenge is to face populism, tell the truth, protect international human rights institutions, coexist and build trust through openness, dialogue and international laws."


Agency : NNA

Date : 2018-01-12 10:20:36



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