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ATA - New multifunctional hall at General Directorate of Archives, Bido: A good opportunity for Albanian youth to reveal their talent
TIRANA, May 1 /ATA/At the premises of the General Directorate of Archives, there is opened a new cultural space. ...
NNA - وزير الاقتصاد والتجارة في الدورة الثالثة لمنتدى الاقتصاد والتعاون العربي مع دول آسيا الوسطى وجمهورية أذربيجان
وطنية- شارك وزير الاقتصاد والتجارة في حكومة تصريف الاعمال امين سلام والوفد المرافق في الدورة الثالثة لمنتدى الاقتصاد والتعاون العربي مع دول آسيا الوسطى وجمهورية أذربيجان، الذي انطلقت فعالياته في العاصمة القطرية الدوحة، حيث كان للوزير سلام لقاءات جانبية قبل وبعد الاجتماع على المستوى الوزاري...
SANA - Syria elected as member of ACSAD Executive Board
Riyadh-SANA- Syria was elected Wednesday as a member of the Executive Board of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands(ACSAD)....
NNA -رئيسة جمعية 'حماية دعم وعطاء' جانيت فرنجية تشارك في مؤتمر بروكسل
وطنية-تشارك رئيسة جمعية"حماية دعم وعطاء" جانيت فرنجية في مؤتمر بروكسل الثامن.وأشارت في بيان إلى أن "يوم الحوار المنعقد في بروكسل،اصبح على مر السنين فرصة لا تقدر بثمن للمشاركة وتعميق الحوار مع المجتمع المدني السوري بحضور اكثر من800 مشارك ومشاركة والجهات المعنية الرئيسية في الامم المتحدة...
NNA - توعية وارشادات من مستشفى أوتيل ديو حول مرض 'التليٌف الكيسي'
وطنية - أضاء أطباء إختصاصيون في مستشفى 'أوتيل ديو دو فرانس الجامعي"' في بيان، على مرض"التليّف الكيسي"، وهو مرض وراثي نادر يؤثر بشكل أساسي على الرئتين والبنكرياس والجهاز الهضمي، في سياق حملة المستشفى التوجيهية من اجل مجتمع صحي أفضل. ...
SANA - انتخاب سورية عضواً في المجلس التنفيذي لأكساد
الرياض-سانا - تم اليوم في الرياض انتخاب سورية عضواً في المجلس التنفيذي في المركز العربي لدراسات المناطق الجافة والأراضي القاحلة “أكساد”.
جاء ذلك خلال اجتماعات الجمعية العمومية للمركز التي تعقد في الرياض،بمشاركة وفد الجمهورية العربية السورية برئاسة الدكتور أيمن سوسان سفير سورية لدى المملكة العربية السعودية،...
NNA - انتهاء مشروع 'رائدات الريف' المنظم من 'الفاو' والممول من الحكومة الكندية
وطنية - انتهى مشروع 'رائدات الريف' المنظم من 'الفاو' والممول من الحكومة الكندية، وذلك بعد خمسة أعوام من إنشاء مجموعات نسائية تعنى بالعمل الزراعي والتصنيع الزراعي. وقد تلقت أكثر من 350 مجموعة على صعيد لبنان سلسلة من الدورات على مختلف الصعد الفنية والاجتماعية والمالية، ...
NNA - غوركان الايراني عادل الرياضي بيروت في نهائي دوري ابطال غرب آسيا في كرة السلة 'وصل'
وطنية - فرض غوركان الايراني مباراة ثالثة فاصلة الرياضي في نهائي منطقة الغرب في دوري ابطال غرب آسيا في كرة السلة "وصل"، الذي ينظمه الاتحاد الآسيوي لكرة السلة بإشراف الاتحاد الدولي "فيبا"، بعدما عادله 1 - 1 من ثلاث مباريات ممكنة. ...
CNA - The significant contribution of sports tourism is confirmed, Minister tells CNA
The significant contribution of sports tourism to the tourism economy of the country is confirmed, Deputy Minister of Tourism Kostas Koumis told CNA on Wednesday,...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Sub-Saharan Africa should benefit more from green transition - IMF
Washington,May.1,2024(Lusa)- The International Monetary Fund has lamented the fact that countries in sub-Saharan Africa such as Mozambique, which are a major source of the minerals...
CNA - وزير الخارجية يؤكد أن قبرص دولة عضو ملتزمة بشكل فعلي في الاتحاد الأوروبي
كتب وزير الخارجية كونستانتينوس كومبوس في حسابه على منصة اكس بمناسبة مرور 20 عاماً على انضمام قبرص إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي، إن قبرص شريك قوي ومشارك بناء ودولة عضو ملتزمة حقاً في الاتحاد الأوروبي. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Auchan completes acquisition of Minpreço, to spend €100M on upgrade
Lisbon, May 1,2024 (Lusa) - Auchan Portugal, the local unit of the French retail group, has completed the acquisition of the Dia group in Portugal,...
CNA - الرئيس يؤكد في عيد العمال وقوف الحكومة إلى جانب العمال ودعم مطالبهم العادلة
أكد رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس في بيان مكتوب بمناسبة عيد العمال، أن الحكومة ستواصل الوقوف إلى جانب العمال في كل مطلب عادل، مشيداً في الوقت نفسه بـ "الشعور العالي والمستمر بالمسؤولية من قبل الشركاء في المجتمع الذين تقع على عاتقهم علاقات العمل المثالي في بلادنا،...
CNA - Government will stand by workers, President assures on Labour Day
The government will continue to stand by the side of the workers in every fair demand, President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, ...
Lusa - Business News - Macau: Gambling revenue in April down 4.9% on month, up 26% on year - DICJ
Macau, China, May.1,2024 (Lusa) - Gambling revenue in Macau fell 4.9% in April compared to the previous month, but was up 26% year on year,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Top newspaper, news magazine headlines on Wednesday, 1 May
Lisbon,May.1,2024(Lusa)-Portugal's leading newspapers and news magazines on Wednesday offer headlines on the fallout from the centre-right government's dismissal of the head of the Santa Casa...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Country had deceptive reputation as being cheap in 1950s - New Yorker

Lisbon,April.18,2024(Lusa)- Portugal had a "deceptive reputation" for cheap living in the 1950s, according to the American writer Mary McCarthy, during her trip to the country, reported in the article "Letter from Portugal", published in The New Yorker magazine in 1955.
The bribery and corruption of high-ranking officials, facilitated by the bureaucracy and corporatism of the dictatorship, the detachment from reality of the upper classes, the 'nouveau riche' from the business world of World War II, and the recent focus on the "tourist trade" did not escape the writer and journalist, who travelled through the country between January and April 1954.
One of McCarthy's first gestures, at the end of her first days in Portugal, was to write to her friend Hannah Arendt, the author of "The Origins of Totalitarianism", who had lived in Lisbon in 1941 on her journey to New York to escape Nazism. This letter was included in the volume of correspondence between the two, "Between Friends", published in 1995.
The writer summarised for Arendt much of what she detailed in the article published by the New Yorker in the issue from 28 January to 5 February 1955. The letter to Arendt talks about an unexpected winter of snow in Lisbon, and the "strange mixture of prosperity and poverty".
The Avenida-Baixa-Chiado axis in the capital reminded McCarthy of "a small America", in contrast to the rest of the country, because of the cars, neon adverts, household appliances and imported products displayed in shop windows.
"Portugal has a misleading reputation as a country where life is cheap," reads the New Yorker article. "From our point of view", food, clothes, transport "are cheap, but if you want to buy something imported (a pressure cooker, an electric cooker, a radio), or something made in a modern factory, it's very expensive, compared to prices in any other country."
"Who buys things from the shops in the downtown Chiado district?" asked Mary McCarthy, without finding an answer. "The foreigners," said the Portuguese; "the nouveau riche," replied almost everyone. The writer finally met a high-ranking official who had given his wife a pressure cooker for the maid to use and "see how it worked."
The difficulties and problems didn't concern "the big officials, the rich Portuguese or the foreigners" who lived "in villas in Sintra, Estoril or Praia da Rocha", wrote McCarthy.
The gulf that separated the classes was "so great" that it seemed "to have formed a shield over the rich, making them apathetic and indifferent", the writer assured. "'It's not that they're bad. They just don't think,'" explained a Portuguese social worker. "'They're not used to thinking' [about others]."
Mary McCarthy spoke of the nouveau riche that filled the pastry shops of Chiado, resulting from the tungsten business and the waves of refugees that passed through the country during World War II, as well as the new "jovial bureaucrats" who were "selling Portugal to the tourist trade and fighting [...] for appropriations to build hotels."
"Oppositionists say that [much of the money] went into the pockets of government bureaucrats, and that these bureaucrats" continued "to profit through bribery". Economic conditioning, which limited sectors and initiative, stipulated prices and profit margins, reminiscent of Soviet plans, was yet another source of bureaucracy and corruption.
Mary McCarthy's trip to Portugal also gave rise to a second text, "Mister Rodriguez of Lisbon", published in August 1955 in Harper's Magazine, which was later combined with that of the New Yorker in the volume of essays "On the contrary", in 1961.
This article on the Estado Novo's (Salazar regime) housing policy, associated with urban expansion plans, recounts a visit by the high-ranking official "Mr Rodrigues" to Lisbon's low-income neighbourhoods.
Mary McCarthy did not miss the irony of the complex web that regulated access to housing, reserved mainly for civil servants, in different types according to income, place in the hierarchy, number and sex of children.
"Mister Rodriguez" showed the writer his own house, one of those destined for top officials: "Furnished according to the highest taste of the Portuguese bourgeoisie, it had a huge crystal chandelier in a small living room", full of carved furniture and oriental carpets.
Mary McCarthy's work was first published in Portugal by Ulisseia in 1963 with the publication of "The Group", a novel that was reissued by D. Quixote in 2010. This was followed by "A gente com quem ela anda" (Estúdios Cor, 1967), "Vietname" (Bertrand, 1967) and "As alamedas da academia" (Portugália, 1970).
"Carta de Portugal" (Letter from Portugal) was published in 1990 by the Serralves Foundation, in the catalogue of the exhibition dedicated to the work of the American photographer Neal Slavin made in the country in 1968, which still bore witness to the reality encountered by McCarthy 14 years earlier.

Agency : LUSA

Date : 2024-04-19 11:13:00


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