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ANSA - افتتاح قاعة جديدة في قصر بريتوريو في براتو
(أنسامد) - أبريل 15 - روما - تم افتتاح قاعة جديدة في متحف قصر بريتوريو في مدينة براتو الإيطالية، تحتوي على 10 لوحات تعود للقرنين الخامس عشر والسادس عشر، وذلك ضمن الاحتفالات بمرور 10 سنوات على افتتاح المتحف. ...
ANSA - Roma's Ndicka 'feeling better' after bad turn - Ivorian dropped to ground in pain, Udinese game abandoned
AS Roma have said that Evan Ndicka is on the mend after the Ivory Coast defender suffered a bad turn in their visit to Udinese...
NNA - الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت بين أفضل الجامعات في مجال الطب بحسب تصنيف كيواس العالمي للجامعات للعام الحالي
وطنية-احتلّت الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت أعلى مرتبة لها على الإطلاق في مجال الطب على تصنيف وكالة كيو إس (كواكاريلي سيموندز) العالمي للجامعات بحسب المجال لهذا العام، فتعادلت في المرتبة 135. وتُعتبر هذه المرتبة بارزة بين 720 مؤسسة مصنفة و1398 مؤسسة خُضعت عناصر أدائها للتحليل الدقيق....
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Stock market closes with benchmark index off 1.08%
Lisbon, April 15, 2024 (Lusa) - The Lisbon stock market ended Monday's trading session down, with the PSI index losing 1.08% to 6,268.88 points, ...
CNA - وزير المالية: لا مخاطر في الوقت الحالي على الاقتصاد القبرصي من التطورات في المنطقة
قالت وزارة المالية في بيان صدر اليوم الاثنين عقب الاجتماع الاستثنائي الذي عقده هذا الصباح الوزير ماكيس كيرافنوس، إنه لا توجد مخاطر في الوقت الحالي على الاقتصاد القبرصي من التطورات في المنطقة، إلا أن الوزارة ستراقب ذلك عن كثب وستبقى جاهزة لاتخاذ الإجراءات والتدابير اللازمة....
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Spanish hydroelectric plans with possible impact in Portugal on view
Lisbon, April.15,2024(Lusa) - The Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) on Monday warned of a Spanish project for a new hydroelectric power station that could have...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Government forecasts economy to grow 1.5% in 2024
Lisbon,April.15,2024(Lusa)-The government on Monday maintained that the Portuguese economy will grow by 1.5 % this year,in line with what was projected in the 2024 state...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Government forecasts oil price to fall to $79.1 barrel this year
Lisbon, April.15,2024(Lusa) - The Portuguese government estimates that the price of oil this year will be around US$79.1 per barrel, down from US$82 in 2023,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Vehicles produced in Portugal rose 4.7% to 95,582 in Q1 - ACAP
Lisbon, April 15, 2024 (Lusa) - Car production in Portugal totalled 95,582 vehicles in the first quarter, up 4.7% on the same period last year,...
CNA - سفيرة قبرص لدى جنوب السودان تقدم أوراق اعتمادها
أعرب رئيس جنوب السودان سلفا كير ميارديت أمام بولي ايوانو سفيرة جمهورية قبرص لدى جمهورية جنوب السودان ومقرها القاهرة، أعرب عن ارتياحه لإقامة تمثيلية دبلوماسية لقبرص في بلاده. ...
CNA - عودة الرحلات الجوية إلى لبنان والأردن بعد الهجوم الإيراني على إسرائيل
تم استئناف الرحلات الجوية بين قبرص وكل من لبنان والأردن، بعد الهجوم الإيراني على إسرائيل، في الساعات الأولى من يوم 14 نيسان/أبريل.
وفقاً لشركة هيرميس للمطارات، تم استئناف الرحلات الجوية لقبرص مع الأردن ولبنان بعد فتح مجالهما الجوي الذين اغلقا مساء السبت بسبب التطورات في الشرق...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Country's oil, gas reserves stand at 90% - minister
Brussels,April.15,2024(Lusa)-The Portuguese government acknowledged on Monday that there is"a lot of concern" in the European Union(EU) about the energy impact of tensions in the MiddleEast,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Country's oil, gas reserves stand at 90% - minister
Brussels,April.15,2024(Lusa)-Portugal's government admitted on Monday that there is"a lot of concern" in the European Union(EU) about the energy impact of tensions in the Middle East,...
Lusa - Business News - Cabo Verde: Annual inflation almost zero (0.3%) in March
Praia, April.15,2024(Lusa)- Cabo Verde's inflation rate was close to zero in March, compared to the same month in 2023, indicating that prices in the archipelago...
Lusa - Business News - Cabo Verde: PM visits Greece for oceans conference
Praia,Aprilز15,2024(Lusa)-Cabo Verde's prime minister begins a three-day visit to Greece on Monday,where he will take part in a conference on the potential of the oceans...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: No meteorological drought at the end of Q1- - weather service
Lisbon, Aprilز15,2024(Lusa) - According to the IPMA weather report, no region of mainland Portugal was in a meteorological drought on the last day of March,...
Lusa - Business News - Angola: Attack on opposition convoy 'sign of weakness' - bishops
Luanda, April 15, 2024 (Lusa) - The Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé (CEAST) on Monday expressed its concern at the violence against UNITA...
CNA - مندوبة قبرص لدى الأمم المتحدة لمجلس الأمن: تركيا تتبع نهجا انتقائياً لقراراتكم
قالت الممثلة الدائمة لقبرص في رسالة إلى مجلس الأمن، عقب رسالة بعث بها الممثل الدائم لتركيا في 11 آذار/مارس 2024 ، إن الممثل الدائم لتركيا "يقوم بمحاولة عقيمة لتبرير عدوانه على قبرص وإضفاء الشرعية على إنشاء نظام انفصالي تابع لها واللجوء إلى التحريف التاريخي والحقائق...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Iran seized Portuguese-flagged ship for 'violating regulations'
Tehran,April.15,2024(Lusa)-Iran said on Monday that it had captured the cargo ship MSC Aries, flying the Portuguese flag and registered in the Autonomous Region of Madeira,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Tourism revenue rises 11% to €506.7M in first two months of 2024
Lisbon, April 15,2024 (Lusa) - Total revenue from the tourist accommodation sector grew by 11.2% and revenue from accommodation increased by 10.8% year-on-year until February,...
CNA - الرئيس يجري اتصالاً هاتفياً مع فون دير لاين قبيل مناقشة المفوضية الأوروبية تدفقات المهاجرين
يناقش اجتماع المجلس الأوروبي المقرر عقده يومي 17 و18 نيسان/أبريل مسألة زيادة تدفقات الهجرة للسوريين إلى قبرص، إلى جانب طلب عدد من الدول الأعضاء في الاتحاد الأوروبي لإعادة تقييم الوضع في سوريا. تم الاتفاق على ذلك أمس الأحد عقب محادثة بين رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Stock market slips with Galp down 1.40%
Lisbon, April 15, 2024 (Lusa) - The Lisbon stock market was trading lower on Monday, with Galp shares leading the losses, falling 1.40% to €16.20....
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Too many elephants raises possibility of contraception - interview
Maputo,April.15,2024(Lusa) — The elephants in Maputo National Park, which were in decline only a few years ago, have fully recovered to an estimated 500 animals....
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: National park attracts 20,000 visitors in 2023 - interview
Maputo, April.15,2024 (Lusa) - Maputo National Park, a protected reserve 70 kilometres from the Mozambican capital, registered a record of around 20,000 visitors in 2023,...
CNA - الرئيس خريستوذوليديس إلى لندن لدعم فرص الاستثمار
يتوجه رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس إلى لندن بعد ظهر اليوم، في مهمة للتواصل مع المعنيين بالمصالح المالية ورجال الأعمال والمستثمرين. وتهدف سلسلة الاجتماعات المقرر عقدها يوم الثلاثاء إلى تعزيز آفاق الاستثمار في قبرص. ...
CNA - أمين عام الكومنولث في قبرص لإجراء اتصالات قبيل اجتماع وزراء المحيط
تعقد الأمين العام للكومنولث اجتماعات في قبرص قبيل اجتماع وزراء محيطات دول الكومنولث يوم الجمعة.
يستقبل رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس الأمين العام باتريشيا أسكتلندا صباح اليوم الاثنين في القصر الرئاسي. كما ستجتمع أيضاً مع رئيسة مجلس النواب أنيتا ديميتريو. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Top newspaper headlines on Monday 15 April
Lisbon, April.15,2024(Lusa)- The main headlines in Portugal's newspapers on Monday focus on the Middle East and whether the situation between Israel and Iran will escalate....
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Top newspaper headlines on Friday, 17 March

Lisbon, March.17,2023(Lusa)- The sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic church and price rises are on many front pages this Friday.

- "Daniel Sampaio on abuse: 'The bishops know that we know that they know a lot'"
- "Marques Mendes evaluates candidacy to Belém"
- "18 shops close every day: clothes shops are the most affected"
- "Investigation. The unpublished photographs of the 25th of April"
- "Price rises 16% and sends elderly to homes without conditions"
- "Navy without sailors for all ships"
- "25 maternity wards under construction"
- "Government studying how to avoid compensation to TAP CEO"
- "Crisis in banking does not stop ECB interest rate hike"
- "Cavaco talks about housing"
- "Guarda honours Balsemão"
- "Poland gives four planes to Ukraine"
- "Sonae warns: Price capping for some foods could leave supermarket shelves bare"

Nascer do Sol:
- "PCP's finger in insubordination in Madeira? Admiral not afraid of the 'circus' set up"
- "Church and lawyers criticise commission's contradictions"
- "Matos Fernandes in check with electric ferries that arrived without batteries"
- "Isaltino Morais: 'This housing package useless, solves nothing'"
- "Edmundo Martinho launches new social game before leaving Santa Casa"
- "Azores. IL assumes that everyone wanted to tear up agreement with Chega"
- "José Manuel Bolieiro. PSD keeps coalition with CDS and PPM standing"
- "Banking. System trembles but worst case scenarios are out of the question"

Correio da Manhã:
- "Benfica pays 747,000 euros for manager's silence. Ex-administrator [Miguel Moreira] received compensation at time of exit"
- "Arsenal-Sporting 1-1 (3-5 penalties). Sporting slapped in London"
- "Find out how rent and housing interest help works"
- "Patients cured. Remedy gives hope against leukaemia"
- "Transtejo. Purchase of electric boats without batteries"
- "O-negative case. Lalanda e Castro's right to reply"
- "Abuses in the church. Porto's bishop removes three priests"
- "Open newsroom shows secrets of CM and CMTV success"

- "Support for rents goes up to €200 a month retroactive to January"
- "Cinema. The pains of the global proletariat in the body of Beatriz Batarda".
- "Alexandra Reis left hanging when she offered to leave TAP"
- "Right to reply. Gouveia e Melo's office and the revolt on the Mondego ship"
- "France. Macron approves raising the retirement age by decree"
- "Football. Sporting surprise Arsenal and move ahead in Europe"
- "Monetary policy. ECB hiked rates but markets doubt it will do so again"
- "Contestation. From schools to transport and hospitals: a guide to today's public service strike"

Jornal de Notícias:
- "Rent support only reaches one sixth of tenants"
- "Bishop of Porto dismisses three priests suspected of abuse"
- "Portuguese spend more on sleeping medicines"
- "Mondego case. Lawyer questions impartiality of the Navy"
- "Moita. Corpse inside well with feet and hands tied"
- "Porto. Vacant buildings in Lordelo occupied by criminals"
- "Transtejo. Managers fall after buying boats without batteries"
- "'I'm here because I owe that truth to Sara's memory'. Tony Carreira wants to see those involved in the accident in which his daughter died tried for negligence"

Diário de Notícias:
- "António Costa Silva: 'Whenever you set prices administratively things don't work' [DN-TSF interview with Economy and Sea Minister]"
- "Number of strikes exploded at the start of the year and civil service paralyses today"
- "Europa League. Sporting beat Arsenal on penalties and are in the quarter-finals"
- "Housing. Rent and credit supports reach incomes of €3,000 a month"
- "Church abuse. Of 106 suspects, a third have died and eight priests have been removed"
- "Interest rates at 3.5%. Lagarde joins Brussels in demanding immediate end to crisis aid"
- "War in Europe - Poland sends fighter jets to Ukraine and surprises Nato allies"

- "Credit and rent support will reach more families"
- "Interview with Paulo Amado: 'The Michelin Guide disrupts well-being in gastronomy'"
- "Poll. PS and PSD on par. Chega stands out"
- "National banks with almost zero exposure to Credit Suisse"
- "Lagarde prioritises fighting inflation"
- "Football - Big three trapped by financial pressure"

O Jornal Económico:
- "2008 fears return in force and ease interest rate hikes"
- "VdA partner confirms that Government asked for legal support over TAP CEO"
- "'The policy of this government was a disappointment' [president of the Confederation of Trade and Services, João Vieira Lopes]"
- "Lusophony.'Portugal should be seen as Brazil's gateway to Europe': António Carlos Pinheiro, president of Funcex"
- "'Insurtech': Future Healthcare opens sale process and insurer Ageas is in the running"

Agency : LUSA

Date : 2023-03-18 11:12:00


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