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ANSA - إقتتاح الدورة الـ 62 لمعرض ميلانو للأثاث الفاخر
(أنسامد) -أبريل 17-روما- افتتحت الدورة الثانية والستين من معرض ميلانو للأثاث الفاخر بمشاركة ما يقرب من 2000 عارض من 35 دولة و185 علامة تجارية بما في ذلك القديمة والتي تظهر لأول مرة.
وتتميز نسخة هذا العام أيضًا بما يلي: التركيز بشكل خاص على تصميم المطابخ والحمامات؛...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Stock market closes with benchmark up 0.16%, BCP leading gainer
Lisbon,April.17,2024(Lusa)-The Lisbon stock market closed positive on Wednesday,with the PSI index rising 0.16% to 6,234.41 points and BCP leading the gains by advancing almost 2%....
CNA - الحفريات في بافوس تسفر عن أدلة جديدة على العصر النحاسي الحجري والعصر البرونزي
وفقاً لبيان صحفي صادر عن إدارة الآثار التابعة لوزارة الدولة للثقافة والتي أعلنت الأربعاء انتهاء أعمال التنقيب في الموقع، تم العثور على أدلة مهمة جديدة على العصر النحاسي الحجري والعصر البرونزي من خلال التنقيب في موقع ماكونتا - فوليس -مرسينوديا في منطقة بافوس، على الساحل...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Lisbon city council hikes tourist tax to €4 per night
Lisbon, April.17,2024(Lusa)- The Lisbon city council on Wednesday approved the PSD/CDS-PP proposal to increase tourist tax on overnight stays from €2 to €4 per night,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: PSD reject govt 'scandal' accusation; no comparison with ex-PS govt
Lisbon, April 17, 2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's Social Democratic Party (PSD) parliamentary leader on Wednesday rejected the idea that there are "scandals and shady cases"...
CNA - النواب القبارصة يصوتون ضد الموافقة على رأي الجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس أوروبا بشأن انضمام كوسوفو إلى مجلس أوروبا
تم أمس الموافقة بالأغلبية على رأي الجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس أوروبا بشأن مسألة انضمام كوسوفو إلى مجلس أوروبا، في الجلسة العامة للجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس أوروبا.
وبحسب بيان صادر عن مجلس النواب، فقد صوت لصالح الرأي 131 عضواً خلال الدورة الثانية للجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس النواب عام 2024،...
CNA - وزيرا الزراعة في اليونان وقبرص يعملان على تعزيز التعاون الثنائي في مجال البيئة
أكد وزيرا الزراعة في اليونان وقبرص الرغبة في تعزيز التعاون الثنائي بين البلدين لحماية البيئة.
ذكر بيان رسمي أن وزيرة الزراعة والتنمية الريفية والبيئة ماريا بانايوتو ووزير البيئة والطاقة اليوناني ثيودوروس سكايلاكاكيس، اجتمعا يوم الثلاثاء على هامش المؤتمر الدولي التاسع لـ"محيطنا" في أثينا. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Crew of ship Iran seized are 'well - MSC
Tehran, April 17,2024 (Lusa) - Container shipping company MSC confirmed on Wednesday that the crew of the Portuguese-flagged 'MSC Aries', seized on Saturday by Iran,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Government to ask for community fund commission
Lisbon,April.17,2024(Lusa)-The PSD and CDS announced on Wednesday that they would propose the creation of a parliamentary committee to monitor the implementation of the Recovery and...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Unions expect 'great moments' on 25 April, 1 May
Lisbon, April.17,2024(Lusa)- CGTP general secretary Tiago Oliveira today expressed his conviction that 25 April and 1 May would be "great moments of affirmation for workers"...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: South Korea companies invest in renewables, chips - interview
Lisbon, April 17, 2024 (Lusa) - South Korea's ambassador to Portugal, Cho Yeongmoo, expects investments from South Korean companies in the areas of semiconductors ('chips')...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: IGCP auctions €1.58B in three, eleven-month T-bills
Lisbon, April 17, 2024 (Lusa) - Portugal auctioned €1.580 billion in three-month and 11-month Treasury Bills (BT) on Wednesday, above the maximum indicative amount, ...
Lusa - Business News - Cabo Verde: Pilot strike may affect flights in late April
Praia, April.17,2024(Lusa)- A strike by the pilots of Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde (TACV) could affect the company's international flights between 25 and 29 April,...
Lusa - Business News - Guinea-Bissau/Mozambique: Lead growth in Portuguese-speaking Africa
Washington, April 17, 2024 (Lusa) - In its report on the World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Footwear industry overtakes Spain to become 2nd largest in Europe
Porto, April 17, 2024 (Lusa) - The Portuguese footwear industry has overtaken Spain to become the second largest footwear producer in Europe in 2022, ...
CNA - وزيرة الدولة للرعاية الاجتماعية تعرض استراتيجية تعليم الأطفال ورعايتهم في مؤتمر الاتحاد الأوروبي
قالت وزيرة الدولة للرعاية الاجتماعية ماريلينا إيفانجيلو، إن التعليم والرعاية في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة والوصول إلى خدمات رعاية وتعليم الأطفال بأسعار معقولة وعالية الجودة وشاملة هي الأولوية السياسية العليا للحكومة. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Stock market trading higher, Mota-Engil up 1.87%
Lisbon, April 17, 2024 (Lusa) - The Lisbon stock market was trading higher on Wednesday, with Mota-Engil shares leading the gains, rising 1.87% to €4.26....
CNA - الرئيس خريستوذوليديس: لا خيار آخر سوى حل المشكلة القبرصية على أساس الإطار المتفق عليه
رفض رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس الطلب التركي بحل القضية القبرصية التي طال أمدها على أساس "حل الدولتين"، واصفاً ذلك بأنه "غير عقلاني" وأكد موقف حكومته بأنه "لا يوجد، ولن يكون هناك أي حل آخر لتسوية المسألة القبرصية على الإطلاق سوى الإطار المتفق عليه الذي حددته...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Top newspaper headlines on Wednesday, 17 April
Lisbon, April.17,2024 (Lusa) - The story of a four-year-old child who was left on a school bus is one of the top stories this Wednesday,...
MAP - 'Rapid Return' of Growth Expected in Morocco - Jeune Afrique Magazine

Paris-January 19,2021-(MAP)-Morocco can look forward to 2021 with "serenity" and rely on a "rapid return" to growth, with a rate of 4.9% this year, and a reduction of the budget deficit from 7.5% to 6.5%, wrote Monday French magazine Jeune Afrique.

This recovery will be backed by the new development model in the making, and the various far-reaching reforms that will follow, the Paris-based monthly publication stressed in an article entitled "Morocco: The Return of the Protective State ..."

If the coronavirus pandemic has shaken the agendas, even within the royal commission tasked with producing a new social and economic pact for the next fifteen years, Moroccans "were surprised to witness the reappearance of a protective, agile and efficient state," which has swiftly managed the repercussions of the health crisis.

"As soon as the first cases of Covid-19 appeared, a general containment was decreed", recalled Jeune Afrique. To counter the loss of income of a large majority of families, the Kingdom implemented the "largest cash transfer operation in its history by distributing monthly income to five million families living in the informal sector and to more than 1 million wage earners who found themselves temporarily unemployed," the publication added.

This operation was financed by the Special Fund for the management of the Covid-19 pandemic launched on royal appeal and which has mobilized more than 30 billion dirhams (about 2.7 billion euros).

Health wise, Morocco has also been "very responsive," in the sense that during the controversy over chloroquine, the Kingdom decided, late March, to requisition all stocks of this molecule produced on its territory to treat Covid-19.

Faced with the global shortage of medical equipment, the Kingdom has adapted in "record time" its industrial tool to manufacture masks, hydroalcoholic gel, artificial respirators ... It now exports to several countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United States and France, according to the same source.

"If this crisis has revealed weaknesses, it has also raised many hopes." For the publication, "Choosing health does not mean sacrificing the economy, which was put to the test by the first containment, with daily losses of around 1 billion dirhams."

"To cope with the second wave of the pandemic, the Kingdom has chosen not to re-confine and has bet on vaccination", it added, stressing that Morocco is one of the first countries, alongside China, Russia and the Emirates that decided to vaccinate Moroccans over 18 years old.

"A massive operation should start at the beginning of this year," Jeune Afrique concluded.

Agency : MAP

Date : 2021-01-20 11:12:00



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