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ATA - FasterPay, Ibrahimaj: Pilot project launched in 3 cities
TIRANA,April.23/ATA/Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate Delina Ibrahimaj announced today launch of the pilot project for FasterPay in three cities of the country:...
ANSA - جاليريا ديتاليا:دخول مجانى 25 أبريل
أنسامد) - أبريل 23 - روما - تقرر فتح أبواب جاليريا ديتاليا يوم 25 أبريل مجاناً للجمهور بمناسبة عيد التحرير فى ميلانو وتورينو وفيتشنزا.
وسيتم ايضاً فتح متاحف انتيزا سان باولوفى اليوم الاول من مايو وسيكون الأحد 5 مايو الدخول مجانى أول أحد فى الشهر (أنسامد)....
ANSA - جولة الحفريات فى متحف كابيلينى فى ألما ماتر من 23 أبريل
(أنسامد) - أبريل 23 - روما - بمناسبة أسبوع الإحتفال بيوم الأرض العالمي تقدم مجموعة الجيولوجيا بمتحف جيوفانى كابيلينى التابع لجامعة بولونيا اعتباراً من الثلاثاء 23 أبريل وحتى شهر يونيو رحلة عبر الزمن منذ فجر الحياة على الأرض حتى يومنا هذا. ...
NNA - Le Conseil économique et social a organisé un débat sur le thème «les défis et les perspectives de l’Industrie libanaise»
ANI-Le Conseil économique et social présidé par Charles Arbid a organisé mardi un débat sur le thème «les défis et les perspectives de l’Industrie libanaise»...
ANSA - British soldier's descendants meet families who saved him Italian families hid, protected WWII prisoner of war Dennis Fox
The descendants of a British soldier this week met members of the Italian families that saved him after he escaped from a prison camp during...
ANSA - عمدة روما فى افتتاح متجر يونيكلو اليابانى
(أنسامد)- أبريل 23 - روما - شارك عمدة روما روبرتو جوالتيرى وحشد من أكثر من 700 عميل فى افتتاح المتجر اليابانى يونيكلو فيا ديل كورسو الرئيسى.
ويعد هذا المتجر الثانى فى إيطاليا لعملاق تجارة الملابس اليابانية بالتجزئة بعد افتتاح الاول عام 2019 فى كوردوسيو فى ميلانو....
NNA - تتويج الصيداوي محمد الددا كأفضل لاعب في تصنيفه ببطولة كأس ويلرز لكرة السلة على الكراسي المتحركة
وطنية - صيدا - شارك فريق كرة السلة على الكراسي المتحركة التابع لنادي "الاندماج" في بطولة كأس ويلرز التي اقيمت على ملعب ميشال سليمان - جبيل، حيث ضم عدد الفرق المتبارية ثمانية بما فيها فريق لبنان. ...
ANSA - Inter in heaven after derby win seals 20th Serie A title Inzaghi's men win right to wear second star on shirt
Inter fans partied long into the night after Monday's 2-1derby win over AC Milan sealed their 20th Serie A title and the right to wear...
ANSA - إيطاليا: بدء إنخفاض أسعار زيت الزيتون
(أنسامد) - أبريل 23 - روما - أكدت بورصة السلع الإيطالية ان أسعار زيت الزيتون قد انخفضت بنسبة 1% فى شهر أبريل مقارنة بشهر مارس السابق .
وأضافت انه على الرغم من ذلك تظل قوائم الأسعار اعلى بنسبة 50% تقريباً مما كانت عليه فى عام 2023....
NNA - مهرجان SPRING BY THE LAKE في بحيرة بنشعي لثلاثة أيام من الفن والموسيقى والترفيه
وطنية - أقيم مهرجان 'Spring by the Lake' في بحيرة بنشعي، في أجواء موسيقية مليئة بالفرح، وسط حضور وإقبال كثيف للزوار من جميع المناطق.واستمر لثلاثة أيام متتالية مع برامج متنوعة لجميع الاعمار والفئات. ...
ANSA - Herculaneum papyri reveal Plato's burial place Result of research by University of Pisa expert Ranocchia
The Herculaneum papyri have revealed the location of Plato's burial place in the Platonic Academy in Athens, an Italian researcher said on Tuesday. ...
ANSA - كرة القدم: كانافارو يتولى تدريب أودينيزي حتى نهاية الموسم
(أنسامد) - أبريل 23 - روما - أعلن نادي أودينيزي المتعثر في دوري الدرجة الأولى الإيطالي لكرة القدم تعيين فابيو كانافارو مدربا للفريق حتى نهاية الموسم بعد إقالة المدرب جابرييلي تشيوفي. ...
NNA - ندوة لمنظمة اليد الخضراء لاعتماد ممارسات مستدامة للمياه
وطنية-نظمت منظمة 'اليد الخضراء'، ضمن اطار الندوات وورش العمل التي تعقدها لاعتماد ممارسات مستدامة للمياه، ورشة عمل في مدينة عاليه ،ضمن مشروع *عاليه الاصيلة مصادر مياه صحية :* اعادة إحياء نهر الغدير مسؤولية مجتمعية تشاركية لإعتماد ممارسات مستدامة للمياه" الممول من حكومات الإتحاد الاوروبي...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Stock market closes 1.19% higher, powdered by a further leap by Galp
Lisbon,April.23,2024(Lusa)-The Lisbon stock market rose 1.19% on Tuesday to 6,592.89points,with Galp leading the gains for the second day running, to close at €20.06,a record high....
Lusa - Business News - Moçambique: Extraordinary support for flooded towns
Maputo, April 23, 2024 (Lusa) - Mozambique' government will transfer extraordinary funds to local authorities affected by the floods caused by heavy rains in various...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Locals report skirmishes between local forces, insurgents in Macomia
Pemba,Mozambique, April.23,2024 (Lusa) - The "Força Local" paramilitary group was involved in a fight against terrorist groups at the headquarters of the Chai administrative post,...
Lusa - Business News - Angola: Unicargas expands to DRCongo, Zambia
Luanda, April 23,2024(Lusa) - Angola's Unicargas is expanding its business to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRCongo) and Zambia and expects to triple its revenues...
Lusa - Business News - Angola: Taxi drivers hit by 50% increase in fuel, fraction of European prices
Luanda,April.23,2024(Lusa)-Taxi and motorbike taxi drivers in Luanda on Tuesday defended an increase in fares to cover the increased fuel costs caused by the price of...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Pan-European data provider to invest €0,5B over coming years
Lisbon, April.23,2024(Lusa)- AtlasEdge, a pan-European data centre provider, is taking its first step in Portugal with the purchase of two plots of land in Carnaxide,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal Fidelidade suspends Luz Saúde IPO due to 'market instability'
Lisbon,April.23,2024(Lusa)- One of Portugal's leading insurance companies, Fidelidade, has decided to suspend the plan to float Luz Saúde, which operates a network of healthcare units,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Pestana Hotel Group profits fall 4% to €105M in 2023
Lisbon,April.23,2024(Lusa)-Portugal's Pestana Hotel Group made a net profit of €105 million in 2023, 4% less than the previous year, its chief executive announced on Tuesday,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Judg accepts BES/GES appeals, case not suspended
Lisbon, April.23,2024(Lusa) - The judge in the BES/GES case has accepted 96 appeals by thousands of victims against the separation of Banco Espírito Santo's (BES)...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Azores Socialists demand financial details of agreement with Ryanair
Ponta Delgada, Portugal, April 23,2024 (Lusa) - The PS/Azores said on Tuesday it was concerned about the lack of flights between Ponta Delgada and Nuremberg,...
Lusa - Business News - Angola: Abu Dhabi Ports invests up to €384M in Luanda port
Luanda,April.23,2024(Lusa)- The Abu Dhabi Ports (AD Ports) group is going to invest $410 million over the next 20 years to operate the Porto of Luanda,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Non-financial sector borrowing falls almost €7.5B Y-o-Y in February
Lisbon, April 23,2024 (Lusa) - The non-financial sector borrowings, which includes public administrations, companies and private individuals, fell by €7.472 billion in February this year,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Ex-African colonies becoming less important since 1974 revolution
Lisbon, April 23, 2024 (Lusa) - Economist Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes told Lusa on Tuesday that the economic relationship between Portugal and the Portuguese language African countries...
CNA - الرئيس خريستوذوليديس: نحن بانتظار إتمام الرصيف الذي تنشئوه الولايات المتحدة في غزة لاستئناف أمالثيا
قال رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس اليوم الثلاثاء، أن الحكومة تنتظر استكمال الولايات المتحدة أعمال بناء رصيف في ميناء غزة حتى يتم التمكن من استئناف إيصال المساعدات إلى غزة في إطار الممر الإنساني البحري "أمالثيا"، مشيراً إلى أن الأعمال وصلت إلى “مرحلة متقدمة للغاية". ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Our tax proposal fairer, reaches more people - Socialist party
Lisbon, April 23, 2024 (Lusa) - Socialist parliamentary leader Alexandra Leitão said on Monday that the PS tax cut bill "has more tax justice, ...
Lusa - Business News - Macau: China market access limits Portuguese-speaking businesses - entrepreneurs
Macau, China, April,23,2024 (Lusa) - Businesspeople from Portuguese Language Countries argued on Tuesday that the difficulty in obtaining visas for China or residency in Macau...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Domestic debt growth a threat to turnaround this generation - report
Maputo, April,23,2024(Lusa)- A report by the Mozambican ministry of the economy and finance on public debt warns of the rate of growth of domestic debt,...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: World Bank is largest creditor with 29% of external debt - report
Maputo,April.23,2024(Lusa)-The World Bank Group is the largest creditor of Mozambique's external debt, with 29% of the total of more than US$10.306 billion(€9.731 million) contracted externally,...
CNA - رئيس الجمهورية يعقد اجتماعاً للمجلس الوطني الجمعة
يعقد رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذولييدس اجتماعاً للمجلس الوطني وهو أعلى هيئة استشارية في البلاد يوم الجمعة، حيث سيطلع خلاله رؤساء الأحزاب السياسية على آخر التطورات في الجهود الرامية إلى استئناف المحادثات القبرصية ونتائج المجلس الأوروبي الأخير بشأن العلاقات بين الاتحاد الأوروبي وتركيا. ...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Trial for two accused of financing, spying for Cabo Delgado rebels
Maputo, April,23,2024 (Lusa) - Two Mozambican citizens will stand trial in Cabo Delgado province, in the north of the country, on charges of financing terrorism,...
CNA - رئيسة مجلس النواب تؤكد أنه لا يمكن حماية السلام العالمي دون قيادة قوية للاتحاد الأوروبي
شاركت رئيسة مجلس النواب أنيتا ديميتريو يوم أمس الاثنين في وقائع مؤتمر رؤساء برلمانات الدول الأعضاء في الاتحاد الأوروبي، حيث كان الموضوع الرئيسي للمناقشة "الاستقلال الاستراتيجي للاتحاد الأوروبي في مواجهة التحديات الجديدة التي تواجه الديمقراطيات الليبرالية في أوروبا في عصر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والذكاء الاصطناعي،...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Stock market continues upwards surge led by Altri
Lisbon, April 23,2024 (Lusa) - The Lisbon stock market was trading higher on Tuesday morning, with Altri's shares leading the gains, rising 1.96% to €5.20....
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Cabo Delgado villagers capture five alleged insurgents
Pemba, Mozambique, April 23, 2024 (Lusa) - Residents of the village of Mahipa, in the district of Chiùre, in the Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado,...
CNA - وزيرة الدولة للنقل البحري في زيارة إلى الصين
تتوجه اليوم الثلاثاء وزيرة الدولة للنقل البحري مارينا هادجيمانوليس إلى قوانغتشو في الصين لحضور حفل تسمية سفينة الشحن التي تم بناءها حديثاً "أي أي ال ليماسول" والمملوكة لشركة أي أي ال للشحن. ...
CNA - الرئيس يعلن عن 'إصلاحات جريئة' في قطاع الصحة
أعلن رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستودوليديس في كلمته مساء في القصر الرئاسي أمس الاثنين في حدث نظمه الاتحاد القبرصي لجمعيات المرضى بمناسبة اليوم الأوروبي لحقوق المرضى عن "إصلاحات جريئة" في قطاع الصحة. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Parliament to debate inquiry into 2013 airports manager privatisation
Lisbon, April.23,2024(Lusa) - The Portuguese parliament is debating on Tuesday a PCP proposal to hold a parliamentary inquiry into the privatisation of airports manager, ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Top newspaper headlines on Tuesday, 23 April
Lisbon, April,23,2024 (Lusa) - Galp’s huge oil discovery off the coast of Namibia, Portugal’s main political parties nominate their candidates for the upcoming European elections...
NNA - Deir Kifa’s most spacious, ancient castle in South Lebanon beseeches government’s attention

NNA – It is the descendant of an ever-challenging history, an ever-persistent, unforgotten victory. It rebelled against all natural factors, and it rebelled against occupation by Mamluks and Ottomans. Indeed, it rebelled, even against the Israeli violations that destroyed its landmark and messed its architecture and urbanism from 1976 until 2006. It is Deir Kifa castle, the icon of monuments, lying between the hills of Jabal Amel in South Lebanon. While the castle’s fortifications were crushed by the artillery and heavy air-missiles during the said period, it still carried a long history of heritage buried under the ground, rocks, and rubble. A heritage that entails the importance and grandness of this monument, in which many see the necessity to keep memory alive, even if through stones that call out the conscience and echo the fact that he who has no past, has no present, and he who has no present, has no future.

This is what pushed those among Deir Kifa people who are loyal to heritage to seek, even by the simplest means, giving it the attention it needs, including – even partial – restoration. What resulted was signing a restoration contract on the eighth of November, sponsored by Head of the National Association for the Preservation of the Archeology and Heritage of South Lebanon, Randa Berri, French battalion, represented by Colonel Nicolas Doron, and Colonel De Fual, as well as Head of the Union of Tyre Municipalities, Eng. Hassan Dbouk and Deputy Mayor Wissam Medlej. It was inaugurated by a French gift for the castle and brick base and tents.


Dbouk told the National News Agency that the Union was funding the studies required for restoring and rehabilitating the castle through assigning a competent engineer. This study is ready, waiting for funding, to do what it takes to return the castle to its original state, highlight its features, and put it on the tourist map again.


For his part, Medlej said to NNA, “We have demanded of the Ministry of Culture more than once, through visits by the municipal board, to take care of the castle as a tourist, historic, and heritage landmark. Up till today, we received no response or attention, under the pretext that money is not available. However, we have not despaired. Instead, we took it upon ourselves, as a municipal board, to take the restoration initiative. We rebuilt the castle’s southern fence, which is of a 60 m height and 6 m altitude, using the same rocks. We also restored two towers linked to it, which are of architectural and geometric characteristics similar to the rest of the castle’s parts. We were using the municipal fund despite the high cost. We built passages inside the castle, and we got funding from the Union of Tyre Municipalities through the TNT regional networking project to boost sustainable tourism in Mediterranean countries. This project was funded by the European Union to build stone and wooden protection barriers inside the castle to protect its visitors, as its yards have many wells. We also built an old-wooden gate at the main entrance to mimic the castle’s historical appearance. Head of South Board, Dr. Kabalan Kabalan, provided its lighting project in 2015.”


One of the town’s functionaries, Ahmed Zaitoun, told NNA that after the partial and minor restoration and lighting of the castle’s fences and the entrances, a number of civil and educational associations visited, especially students from Nabatieh, Sidon and Beirut schools, and a number of UNIFIL officers and soldiers from the French, Italian and Finnish battalion. They expressed their admiration for its breadth, size and their regret for neglecting it and what it has become.”

“In 2007, when repeated tremors struck Srifa area, the walls of the castle were damaged, cracked and disrupted. For this reason, it was visited by a delegation from the Higher Relief Commission, accompanied by South governor and Mayor of Tyre, Hussein Qabalan. They gave a promise of restoration, and it has not been implemented yet. During the recent years, we protected it from researchers, prospectors and aggressors and prevented anything being built next to it that might dominate and cover it,” he said.

He hoped that "the government and those concerned with the restoration of the castle to take care of it, just like the other castles, forts and monuments, so that it is preserved and sustained, so that it survives and that the region prospers, and to include it on the tourist map."

One of the Bandars’ descendants (77 years), who had an active role in a certain period of the castle’s history where they lived and managed the country, considered that "the ownership of the castle belongs to his early ancestors." The minute he was questioned by NNA, he answered with historical details of the castle as if he were its glossary and encyclopedia.

"Deir Kifa castle is one of the oldest castles of Lebanon. It was Phoenician, and the largest area in the south. Its columns and ruins were lifted by the Crusaders, and they made it a military protection point for Jerusalem, which is tens of kilometers away. During wars, large parts of it were destroyed, and French Crusader commander, Miron, renovated it and named it after himself. Years later, it fell in the hands of Mamluk Sultan Qalawun and he destroyed it in 1289 AD so that Crusader remnants don’t hide in it. After that, it was rebuilt by Sheikh Abbas Muhammad al-Nassar al-Waili during the Ottoman rule in 1761, and he made it a military barrack and a residence for his family, and his sons inherited it until Sheikh Kayed Bandar,” he said.

The castle

The castle covers an area of 17 thousand square meters and consists of three floors, containing many destroyed cellars and cells, rooms, multiple stone houses, horse stables, prisons, playgrounds, yards and wheat stores, where there are 365 wells to collect water, and where four springs have dried years ago.

Its fence is of a height of 6 meters to 12 meters wide by two meters. It has seven corners on each of which is a semi-circular control tower with a diameter of 8 meters used for guarding, hunting and defense. It rises 400 meters above sea level. It overlooks several towns: from the east, Mount Maroun and the town of Bourj Qalawiya, from the south, the town of Deir Kifa, from the north Srifa and Nakafiya, and from the west, valleys to the sea.

Field trip

On a field tour, while you stand on the ruins of its ruined facilities, you feel its greatness and historical value that defies all natural factors, aggression, and negligence, as its harmoniously curved rooms have barely remained in the eastern and northern section. Three similarly elevated towers stand erect, separated by walls parallel to them in height and shape. Despite weeds and destruction, the geometric halls, in the center of which lies the fort, is still noticeable. Between the north and south towers is a tall wall that meets its center at a higher elevation. Between the halls are the basements of the western section, which are wide with curved ceilings and high walls, connected to each other. Parts of them were covered by the backfill and their windows, prepared for guarding and observation, overlook the surrounding roads west to the sea.

In many of its rooms, you look from a ceiling, seeking guidance to their entrance, but you cannot. Then, you get lost around the castle because of its vastness and its many corridors, underground rooms, walls, and decades, a well here and there, which confirms the novel that talks about 365 wells. In addition to prison openings that look similar to the wells and spread over the vast area of the castle, stables, and other places. Around the castle are doorsteps and windows, some of them straight, others from arches or vaults that still carry in the folds of their stones an ancient grace.

That which raises concern about this important historical landmark is the lack of interest from the government’s competent authorities. The castle was not listed as a tourist site as it is not eligible to receive visitors in its current situation, especially that its restoration and rehabilitation need big amounts of money, due to its wide geographical and urban expansion, poor geometric condition, and its cracked buildings, as well as the accumulation of backfill and its large size

Agency : NNA

Date : 2019-08-20 10:33:00



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