LUSA 08/07/2024

Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Public prosecutor recovers almost €2M in assets in 2024

Maputo, Aug. 6, 2024 (Lusa) - In the last six months, Mozambique's Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) has recovered assets valued at around 128 million meticais (almost €2 million) in corruption cases, the institution's spokesperson announced on Tuesday.

"The procedural activity mentioned here is the result of the unofficial intervention of the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP), complaints received, as well as the articulation and collaboration of various public and private institutions in presenting relevant information," declared GCCC spokesman Romualdo Johnam at a press conference to take stock of activities in the first half of this year in Maputo.

In the first half of this year, the Public Prosecutor's Office recovered a total of six properties, valued at just over 126 million meticais (€1.8 million), and one vehicle, valued at 1.3 million meticais (€18,000), in a period in which the agency processed 1,328 cases.

Among the cases processed during this period, the source continued, the highlight was a case related to a fraudulent VAT refund scheme, a case involving a company that supplies fuel to officials from the Tax Authority in Tete province, with four defendants, one of whom is in pre-trial detention.

According to the Mozambican Public Prosecutor's Office, the company fraudulently received 81 million meticais (€1.2 million) in a scheme facilitated by officials from the Tax Authority.

"By analysing the 'modus operandi,' we identified critical weaknesses in the Tax Authority's e-Taxation and Revenue Collection systems, which, together with weak regulations, created an environment conducive to fraud," said Romualdo Johnam.

The four defendants in the case are accused of falsifying documents, abuse of office and function, aggravated fraud, and money laundering.

