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NNA - ذهبية لخصر عليوان في بطولة البحر الأبيض المتوسط لرفع الاثقال للمخضرمين
وطنية- احرز الرباع العالمي خضر عليوان الميدالية الذهبية في بطولة البحر الأبيض المتوسط لفئة الماسترز في رفع الاثقال، والتي تقام في مدينة دورس الالبانية وتستمر حتى 28 نيسان.
ويواصل عليوان مسيرته في اللعبة التي ارتبطت عائلته بها، ويشارك في كل المسابقات الخارجية بهدف تحقيق نتائج....
ANSA - ارتفاع أسعار القهوة عالميا يؤثر على السوق الإيطالية
(أنسامد) - أبريل 27 - روما - قالت جمعية أسوتينتي لحماية المستهلك في إيطاليا، إن ارتفاع أسعار القهوة في الأسواق العالمية قد يكون له تداعيات مباشرة على استهلاك الإيطاليين، مما يؤدي إلى زيادة تكلفة القهوة في الحانات. ...
NNA - 'كفى' نظمت نشاطا للعاملات المهاجرات لمناسبة عيد العمال
وطنية - نظّمت منظمة 'كفى' لمناسبة عيد العمال، نشاطا بالتعاون مع العاملات المهاجرات، "ليرفعن الصوت ضد الانتهاكات الناتجة من استثنائهن من قانون العمل ونظام الكفالة".
وبحسب بيان عن المنظمة، اتخذت عاملات المنازل المهاجرات هذه السنة من التصوير الفوتوغرافي وسيلة لرواية قصصهن ويومياتهن في ظل نظام الكفالة...
ANSA - فيلم فاليريا جولينو 'فن الفرح' في مهرجان كان السينمائي
(أنسامد)- أبريل 28 - روما - تقدم الممثلة والمخرجة الإيطالية فاليريا جولينو فيلمها المقتبس عن رواية جولياردا سابينزا التاريخية، فن الفرح (L'arte della Gioia)، في حدث خاص في مهرجان كان السينمائي لهذا العام.
تم تصوير الفيلم، وهو من بطولة ياسمين ترينكا وتيكلا إنسوليا وفاليريا بروني تيديشي،...
ANSA - ما يقرب من 16 مليون شخص يسافرون لقضاء أجازة الربيع
(أنسامد) - أبريل 27 - روما - كشف مرصد السياحة التابع للاتحاد العام الإيطالي للمؤسسات والأنشطة المهنية والعمل المستقل Confcommercio، أن ما يقرب من 16 مليون شخص سيسافرون لقضاء أجازة الربيع ونهاية الأسبوع الطويلة بإجمالي إنفاق حوالي 5.5 مليار يورو. ...
NNA - الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية كرمت نحو ٢٠٠ طالب من جامعة سيدة اللويزة استفادوا من مساعدات الوكالة
وطنية-كرمت مديرة الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية في لبنان جولي ساوثفيلد، التي تشغل حاليًا منصب نائب رئيس البعثة بالسفارة الأميركية في لبنان بالوكالة،١٨٠ طالبا وطالبة من جامعة سيدة اللويزة لإنجازاتهم الأكاديمية، بفضل المساعدة المالية التي توفرها الحكومة الأميركية من خلال"الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية في لبنان"....
ANSA - التنس: سينر يفوز بالديربي على سونيجو 6-0 / 6-3
(أنسامد) - أبريل 28 - روما - فاز الإيطالي يانيك سينر المصنف الثاني عالميا على مواطنه لورينزو سونيجو، بنتيجة 6-0 و6-3 في ساعة وثماني دقائق من اللعب.
وفي الجولة الثالثة سيواجه يانيك سينر الفائز من المباراة بين الروسي بافل كوتوف والأسترالي جوردان تومسون. ...
ANSA - جائزة ديفيد الخاصة للصحفي والكاتب المخضرم فينتشنزو موليكا
(أنسامد) -أبريل 28-روما- أعلن المنظمون يوم الجمعة أن الصحفي والكاتب والمؤلف والمقدم التلفزيوني والإذاعي الإيطالي المخضرم فينتشنزو موليكا سيحصل على "جائزة ديفيد الخاصة" خلال الدورة التاسعة والستين لجوائز ديفيد دي دوناتيلو، حفل توزيع جوائز الأوسكار الإيطالية، في حفل توزيع الجوائز يوم الجمعة 3 مايو. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: PM challenges Socialists, Chega to say if they want to make an 'alternative government'
Curia,Portugal,April 28,2024(Lusa)-The president of the PSD and prime minister on Sundaychallenged the leaders of the PS and Chega to say whether they want to make...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Bilateral debt owed by former African colonies doubled since 2000 to €2.5B
Lisbon, April.28,2024(Lusa)- The bilateral debt of the Portuguese-language African countries (PALOP) to Portugal has doubled in the last 25 years, reaching €2.5 billion in 2022,...
CNA - الإمارات ترسل 400 طن من المساعدات لغزة عبر لارنكا إلى ميناء أشدود
أعلنت وزارة الخارجية الإماراتية أن 400 طن من المواد الغذائية وصلت إلى ميناء أشدود عبر لارنكا في قبرص لتلبية احتياجات أهالي غزة.
قالت الوزارة في بيان صحفي صدر اليوم الأحد، إن الدولة دخلت في شراكة مع المؤسسة الأمريكية لمساعدة اللاجئين في الشرق الأدنى (أنيرا) "لتوسيع نطاق...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Previous government 'wasted' RRP opportunity - agriculture minister
Curia,Portugal,April.28,2024(Lusa)- On Sunday, Portugal's minister of agriculture accused the previous government of having ‘wasted the opportunity’ to use all the RRP funds available to Portugal...
Lusa - Business News - Timor-Leste: Coffee should be Unesco world heritage - association
Dili, April 28,2024 (Lusa) - The vice-president of the Coffee Association of Timor-Leste (ACT) said on Sunday that Timorese coffee, due to its historical value,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Fifty squatters may be forced to leave private land in Cascais

Cascais, Portugal, April 14, 2024 (Lusa) - The housing crisis has led more than fifty people to create an improvised "campsite" in Quinta dos Ingleses, Cascais, but opposition from an urban development project is forcing them to look for alternative housing.
The vegetation on the 54 hectares of Quinta dos Ingleses, next to Carcavelos beach, hides a pile of tents and motorhomes that are home to more than 50 people of various nationalities.
However, this improvised "campsite" is being threatened by the Detailed Plan for the Carcavelos-Sul Urban Restructuring Area (PPERUCS), which plans to redevelop the Quinta dos Ingleses landscape by creating an urban park and building a housing development with shops, services and a hotel.
The project, which is being promoted by the company Alves Ribeiro, has been contested by various associations in the municipality of Cascais, in the Lisbon district, which have organised several demonstrations, the last one a week ago.
Meanwhile, about a fortnight ago, part of the land that makes up Quinta dos Ingleses began to be fenced off, a situation that has caused a great deal of anxiety among the residents, as the Lusa news agency discovered on site.
One of the residents who agreed to speak to Lusa was Ricardo Oliveira, 58, who has been living there for six months after being evicted with no alternative housing.
"I ended up here six months ago because my family died, and I was evicted. At the moment, I'm not working. I haven't been able to work for a long time, and I'm on the minimum income," he lamented.
In a fragile situation, Ricardo Oliveira, who has lived in the municipality of Cascais for over 50 years and is on the verge of being evicted again, acknowledged that he will follow his neighbours, his "new family", wherever they go.
"I depend a bit on all of them. If one of them finds a place, I'll go with them," he said.
Younger, but having lived in Quinta dos Ingleses for longer, Brazilian Nélson Ferreira told Lusa that the idea of having to leave the neighbourhood "hurts too much".
"It's very difficult these days to find something [housing] that's cheap, or that fits within people's means. I was one of the first people to arrive here, and I've always welcomed the people with my heart and made them feel at home. For me, this is my community," the 21-year-old explained.
With no official notification to leave the site but with their hearts "in their hands" since the land began to be fenced off, the residents of Quinta dos Ingleses have been supported by a number of civic associations, who contest the urbanisation plan and accuse the developers and Cascais council of social insensitivity.
"The residents of Quinta dos Ingleses are aware that their days here are unfortunately coming to an end. They want nature to be protected, but they also don't want to leave without any warning. People need time and solutions," João Sousa, from the Alvorada da Floresta association, told Lusa.
For the young biology student and founder of the environmental association, the Cascais council has an obligation to find a housing solution for those 50 people.
This conviction is shared by the vice-president of the SOS Quinta dos Ingleses association, Pedro Jordão, one of the main opponents of the urbanisation plan for Quinta dos Ingleses.
"It's truly undignified that in the 21st century, there are people in these circumstances without water, electricity or piped sewage. From a moral and ethical point of view, it's absolutely regrettable," he said.
For Pedro Jordão, "there is no public interest" in the planned project since it involves "intensive construction" that will have "negative consequences" socially and environmentally for the entire surrounding area.
"It's going to have a huge impact on waterproofing, wind, heating up the parish, pollution, and car traffic. What's more, it's housing aimed at the upper classes and won't solve the housing problems in the municipality of Cascais," he argued.
Contacted by Lusa, the mayor of Cascais, Carlos Carreiras (PSD), said that the residents of Quinta dos Ingleses have been supported by Social Security but emphasised that the municipality has neither the conditions nor the responsibility to provide them with alternative housing.
"We have nothing to do with it, nor is there any obligation. It wouldn't be fair, from a social point of view, if the fact that they came to camp there forced the council to put them ahead of thousands of other Cascais citizens who have been registered for a long time and are signposted," he said.
Regarding the urban planning project, the mayor insisted that any changes would have to be made at the government level and not at the municipal level, denying responsibility on the part of the current executive.
"They [the critics] came late because they had the opportunity when it was discussed in the 1980s, and the president at the time [Helena Roseta] was forced to draw up a public deed and consigned rights. Then they continued to come late when, in 1997, the majority that ran the council, which was a socialist majority [chaired by José Luís Júdice], considered the detailed plan as part of the municipal masterplan," he pointed out.
In May 2021, Carlos Carreiras told parliament that the municipality doesn't have the capacity to stop the Quinta dos Ingleses urbanisation project, claiming that this would mean paying "unaffordable compensation", since the developers "have an acquired right over that land".
Also contacted by Lusa, a source from the Alves Ribeiro construction company, said it may comment later.
The Left Bloc and PAN (People-Animals-Nature) have presented draft resolutions in parliament to preserve and safeguard Quinta dos Ingleses.

Agency : LUSA

Date : 2024-04-15 12:05:04


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